They say first impressions are everything...

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I woke up and found myself sitting on Corrupted's throne. I've sat on it before, but this time, it felt... More physical. I was a ghost, so nothing ever really felt real. But now...

I looked at my hands and yelped. They were so, opaque. I'm usually translucent. Because, you know, I'm a ghost.

Oh, wait. Now I remember. The dream. So we did get switched. I looked over to see that, sure enough, Corrupted was floating in the air as a ghost, looking extremely bored. When he noticed I was awake he grunted, "Finally, you're awake."

"Hey, it's not my fault. I'm so tired for some reason." I whined. Why's he blaming it on me? "It's not my fault we had to switch bodies. Wait. I have a body again. I'm... Alive." The realisation hit me like a brick. I could finally reunite with my brother! It's been so long, too long. 

"You can't see Dream. We're not telling anyone." Corrupted must have seen my expression. Even though I really missed Dream, he was right. We can't tell anyone. 

"What about the gang? What are we going to tell them? It's not like they'll believe me anyways." Corrupted's gang, the bad sanses, would never turn up the opportunity to kill someone as easy as me. Corrupted shook his head. "They won't hurt you if they think that it was me who sent you. Write a note. Our handwriting is not that different."

I agreed. I grabbed a piece of paper and quickly scribbled up something, and stuffed it in my pocket, as Corrupted disappeared. He may be my "evil" form, and took over my body, but I trust him.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I panicked. What am I going to do? What am I going to say? I've never talked to the gang before, what am I going to do?

"Hey, boss, it's breakfast time! Horror's making pancakes and-" He stopped when he saw me. I recognised him as Killer, an annoying, short skeleton that Corrupted likes. I don't know why. Or how.

(Yes, in my au, Passive Night is aroace, deal with it')

He studied me for a minute, in silence. "Who are you?" He asked. "And where's boss?" He must have yelled or something, because others came in. I couldn't really tell though, I was frozen in panic. At that moment, Corrupted appeared beside me. "Give him the note, you idiot."

The note. Oh. I had forgotten about that. I pulled it out of my pocket. Now, all the bad guys, except for Error, were standing over me. They looked intimidating. I got a sudden flashback, of my past. The villagers, standing in the exact position as the bad sanses were now, hitting me, and taking my books. I shook my head slightly. I can't think about that.

"Well?" Oh. I forgot Killer was still here. I handed him the note. "Nightmare... Has gone for a bit. He asked me to replace him, until he got back." The bad guys stared at me.

"Why would he send you? Why not one of us?" A skeleton is black and white asked. Cross, wasn't it? I thought of an excuse. "Well, we're... Old friends." It was kind of true. 

"Pfft- You're literally a kid! Why would he trust you? And why should we?" Killer said. A kid! I'm about 5 hundred years older than him! The audacity-

"How does he even like this guy?"  I whispered. 

"You know I'm still here. And so are they. You need to be careful." Corrupted said. He was right, even though I could see a little blush on his cheek bones.

"What did you say?"Asked Dust. Oh no. What am I going to say? "Uhh... Nothing." He still looked suspicious, but didn't say any more. 

"Anyways, I'm not a kid," I glared at Killer as best I could. "And, of course Nightmare would trust someone he's known longer and trusts more to be in charge. Someone he knows can handle it." I can definitely not handle it. The bad sanses didn't think so either.

"How do we know we can trust you? Boss would've told us. He wouldn't just go off without telling us..." Killer trailed off.

"Obviously you do not know Nightmare as well as you think, if you think that." I said. Corrupted gave me a slight nod. 

A skeleton with a crack in his head, Horror, while chewing on some food, said, "When's boss coming back?" Oh great. The one thing I don't know. "He... didn't tell me. I don't  know." Their expressions were unreadable. Well, Killer looked kind of smug. My hands shook a bit. I put them behind my back. I can't show any signs of weakness.

Cross studied me for a second before turning to the others. "Guys, I think we should give him a chance. If boss trusts him, then we should too." Corrupted rolled his eyes. "Classic Cross." 

Killer and Dust still looked hesitant, but horror nodded his head, still chewing on his food.

After a moment of silence, Killer finally spoke."Fine, I guess." They all looked at each other, then at me. After another pause, Killer spoke up. "By the way, what's your au?" 

WHYYY. I can't say dreamtale, they know that their boss is from dreamtale. "Uhh.. Lunartale. (I just made that up) My name is... Moonlight." Moonlight was my childhood nickname that Dream gave me. 

The bad sanses seemed to accept this. Silence. Then, Horror said, "What's your favorite colour?" Everyone stared at him. "What?" He shrugged. 

"Purple." I didn't really ever think about my favourite colour, but I guess purple's nice. I glanced slightly to the left, and noticed Corrupted was gone. Huh.

I didn't know much about Corrupted's gang, but I did know that I was going to be living among murderers for the time being.


Hi, guys! Welcome back to another chapter of Passive Aggressive. I'll try to update as much as I can, but updates may be slow. 

Ily all!

Word count: 985

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