Shatter Me

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The room remained silent for what seemed like ages, and I couldn't tell what Lucas was thinking. He didn't look mad, and he didn't look confused. He looked scared. But I don't think he was anywhere near as terrified as I was. I had practically already died, there was no way to get out of this. Lucas spoke before I did.

"What do we do...?"

"What the hell do you mean 'What do we do!?'" I yell. I was beginning to panic, but he held a firm grip on my shoulder to keep me from falling over.

"Here, sit down..." he said, plopping me down onto my bed. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, he was normally easy to read, but now I think it was only because he allowed me to read him. He stared at the wall behind me blankly, as if debating something.

"It could just be a coincidence...right?" I ask.

"I think we both know the answer to that..." he murmured, and he was right. I quickly grabbed a tissue to stop my nose from bleeding, applying ample pressure. Realizing that I had gotten blood all over the pretty white sheets, I decided to sit on the floor and sigh. Lucas crouched next to me.

"We can't tell anyone about this, do you understand? They will quite literally kill you." he said grimly. I nod my head...but what was the point?

"I'm going to die anyway..." I say. Lucas actually rolls his eyes and sighs.

"The goal is to keep you alive for as long as possible. We can find something to slow it down...anything..." he whispered.

"Lucas, I have The Phantom! What part of that do you not understand? There isn't a cure!" I was starting to get irritated, but mainly because I was so terrified.

"Well I think it's about time we found one then," he replied, barely above a whisper. Before I could reply, a shadow flew past my door and audible footsteps were heard running down the hall. I couldn't even process it at first. Wait...wait a minute. Was that shadow there the entire time? I immediately shot up and flung the door open, desperate to see who it was, but they had already rounded the corner and were unfamiliar to me.

"Oh no..." I murmured. Lucas had the same look of dread on his face. Whoever was there had heard that entire conversation, and that was anything but good, and it seemed like Lucas and I had the same idea. I was so dead.

"The only thing we can do is wait...the security cameras will catch you if you try to run," Lucas mentioned, his face looking like he had just seen a ghost, "Let's just wait here and give you some rest, you need to sit down, you might faint. Are you still feeling dizzy?"

I didn't respond to him, but sat back down as he recommended. We sat there in silence for a very long time, maybe an hour, until his wristwatch dinged. He stared down at it for a moment before speaking.

"I have to go, The Council is calling me. Will you be fine on your own for a while?" He asked. I cast him a slightly distressed look.

"How long will you be gone?"

"I'm not sure..." he replies, looking back up at me, "Stay safe."

I nod, and then he leaves me alone in my room, shutting the door behind him with a small click. Fifteen minutes later, another knock came on my door. I got up, assuming it was Lucas, and unlatched the door.

"Thank God, you're back-" I paused mid-sentence. The man at the door was not Lucas, but somebody I had never met before. It was a different Sentinel who looked about 50 years old, and he clearly meant business. He had a full beard and dark black eyes that looked as if they were piercing through me. Before I could apologize for mistaking him for somebody else, he spoke first.

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