Desperate Despair

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Blinding lights flashed at us as we entered the council room. Photographers and bystanders became quickly aware of who I was, shouting slurs and insults at me as I walked past. Lucas walked beside me, somewhat hiding me behind him, but he wasn't getting let off easy either. People were screaming at him, telling him to get away from me, but he continued walking, unfazed. I dipped my head politely, desperately trying to get their approval, yet it was proving useless.

"Get the hell out of here!"

"Slum scum! Slum scum! Slum scum!"

"You don't belong here, bitch!"

I winced at their screams and tried to remain calm, but it was difficult.

We had visited Emma early this morning, and she was in stable condition. She had regained most of the color back in her face, and she was completely responsive, but she was weak, and the doctors said that she couldn't be discharged for a week and a half. Lucas seemed a bit more relaxed, but there was an underlying anger within it, and I knew the reason why, so I didn't bother to ask.

The massive double doors closed with a groan behind us, and we were left in silence, yet the muffled voices were still faint in the back of the room. I looked straight forward, and there he stood. Todd. In a cage, like a dog who had rabies. Many people were in the stands, staring quietly at me in disgust.

"Let the trial begin!" boomed a voice from above. I moved my gaze upward to see five high-risen balconies, each adorned with a single council member. Lucas escorted me to the side stands, where I was soon to be called upon in Todd's defense, but I knew it was going to be futile. Other people in the stands turned to glare at me, but I ignored them to my best ability and kept my head hung low.

They let Todd out of his cell and immediately handcuffed him, shoving him past photographers and other witnesses. They pushed him to a raised platform where the council members could look down on him with judgemental eyes. They listed his rights, then listed the crimes he was accused of. Then the trial began.

People were called up, and it was witness after witness, each giving their story as evidence. What bothered me the most was that Todd denied nothing and only nodded his head in guilt. Oftentimes, The Council argued against one another, debating if evidence was truly valid, but it always ended with them calling upon another witness. To my dread, I was called upon next.

"Will Blair Linden, please come up to the stand!" Council Member Urdock's voice echoed through the room. I swallowed a bit more audibly than I had intended, and then stood up. Everything that I had worked so hard to hide was now out in the open. All of my lies were revealed as they addressed me. I saw Zachary in the corner of the room, looking less than amused. Then I imagined that sweet merchant from the flower stand, watching all of this on a screen.

"Blair Linden, Origin, The Slums. We call upon you as Todd's only witness in this council. Please state your full name, age, and date of birth to The Council."

I wipe my sweaty palms and fidget with my dress, "Blair Sapphire Linden, I'm 18 years old and was born September 6th."

"Raise your right hand and swear the oath."

I swallow again and raise my right hand as instructed, "I, Blair Linden, vow to tell only the truth and provide valid evidence for The Council of Edoris. Or else my head be taken off my shoulders by The Council itself."

Lucas looked visibly uncomfortable as I swore the oath to The Council. He stood in the side stands, mainly because he was responsible for anything I did, but also as moral support. I was grateful he was there, but I felt more pressure on me as I also needed to battle for his reputation. My line of sight goes to Todd as he shifts uncomfortably, but he looked more scared for me than anything else. I felt a pang of sympathy for him, even though he willingly pleaded guilty in the first place. Why was I even there if he pleaded guilty? What could I possibly do to get him out of this? There was nothing useful I could think of to help him. Giving my thoughts influenced by emotion wouldn't be tolerated by The Council, but that was the only thing I could give.

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