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I've managed to go until just after lunch without harming myself. I won't lie I've come close. A few long stares at kitchen knives and quick glances at a few weapons in the weapon room, in the end I always manage to convince myself not to. I don't know if the others noticed, but I did notice a few couple worried glances from Jay and Kai. A couple hours of me scratching my arms and praying that the urge to cut would suddenly go away went by, my phone continuously buzzing. Most of the messages now were from Brad bragging about his big shot lawyers and how my powers won't save me this time. Whatever that means....

It got to a point in the day where I thought I could manage it, everything was going to be fine. One day at a time right? But all of that changed when the alarms went off and zane called us to the map room for a mission.  It's been a while since there has been some big bad attacking ninjago, the last being the time twins which didn't end very well. For anyone...

We all followed lloyd into the map room where zane was and hovered around the screens. Which brings me to now. Zane explains that there are some mysterious figures roaming around ninjago, with the descriptions of what sounds like snakes. Again. Honestly why is it always snakes? He tells us that there have been reports of these weird figures wearing dark purple hoods with large tails and white scales attacking people on the streets and chasing after them, which was weird for a snake. Weird for a serpentine at least considering they all live underground in peace now. But what was more weird was that these snakes seemed to have a master, another strange figure that didn't have the description of scales and a tale. This guy has been seen sending these snakes into different directions of the city and giving orders of who to attack.

Not going to lie, whoever this is sounds kinda pathetic. That's all they're going to do? Send the snakes after people? Usually it's more serious and huge where the city almost gets blown half to bits but this? It's so pathetic it almost seems as if it's not the weird figure is trying to get our attention. Maybe they're trying to attract the ninja by causing a problem? Which means this could all be a trap!

"Guys...doesn't this seem weird to you?" I interrupt after zoning out for what felt like a few seconds . They all turn to look at me with puzzled faces apart from zane, who seems to understand where I'm getting at.

"Cole's right...the serpentine are now at peace with our people. It seems weird that they'd all of a sudden attack people and follow the orders of a human master. Something just doesn't add up..."

"Wait...HUMAN master...?" Jay squeaks out. I would normally say that his nervousness is adorable, however this situation doesn't seem like the kind you would joke or laugh about, never mind flirt about.

"Yes. According to my sensors the thermal reading of this mysterious person is the same as us humans." Jay replies with an anxious nod. Zane starts typing on the screen again so we all divert our attention back to each other.

"I guess Cole and Zane do have a point... but there aren't any more species of serpentine out there. Are there?" Lloyd questions but he's met with silence until zanes speaks up again,

"Actually, according to my data base there were meant to be 7 species of serpentine. One of the last two being extinct and the other theoried to be endangered before they were buried in their tomb. There is nothing to be expected if said tomb was to be opened as they should have starved over the years however like the others, they could have....adapted or in other words lived off of each other..."

"Wait! So... theres a species of serpentine that have only a party of a few that are attacking people on the streets, following orders from a human and we have NO idea what they can do? If they can do anything?" Jay whines whilst slinging his arm around zane who is clearly searching for answers.

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