2 years later.

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It's been 2 years now since I left the boarding school and became a ninja. Jay, Zane, Kai and Lloyd have been like real brothers to me. We have fought through rough times, like the overlord where we thought we lost zane or when I turned into a FRICKEN GHOST! It's been a traumatic few years but the best nevertheless. And of course nya is like a sister to me, however my crush on Jay has only grown stronger over the past two years ( despite our little argument a while back ). I think he's into nya, so I guess I'm stuck in the friend zone.

Recently we just stopped crux and acronix, which is why me and Jay are out searching a very large snowy mountain in the middle of nowhere. All of this because we lost wu. He's not dead we know that for sure, but we don't know where he is or if he's hurt. The last time we saw him was when Kai and nya went through time after crux and acronix, but apparently he stayed behind in the time portal to deal with them. He's around here somewhere I just know it.

Over the few years I've been with the ninja, I grew out of my serious and responsible Cole phase, as I no longer needed to fend for myself and survive without being abused, however I'm back to being boring old Cole. After we lost wu, just like I lost my mother and grew apart from my father...I can't lose anyone else. Yeah...about my father, I went to go see him for a mission with the ninja once...it didn't go so well. Sure that's when I found my true potential but only because my only remaining family was about to be crushed under piles of wood and ceiling lights. I wasn't going to let that happen even if my father thought I was a disappointment. He's still my father and I love him. Even if he doesn't love me I...guess. After that my father walked out, said he saw the routine we did that won the talent show but I could've been better and that I shouldn't have left school and disgraced the family name. He definitely doesn't support me being a ninja. I knew he was going to find out about me running away, and be very mad, but I didn't think he'd just walk out in front of my friends. They all looked so confused and angry but I ignored their looks and stormed off back to the bounty. Everyone tried to question me about it later that day but I refused to talk.

"Great, it wasn't him.." I grumble sadly.

"Cole, we've been searching for months now...I think we should take a break from all of this searching and have a rest. I don't think you've slept since wu went missing and I'm worried for you pal..." Jay places his hand on my shoulder. I feel like I want to flinch but I don't, I'm over that now...I think. Jays touch is always so gentle.

Me and jay have found nothing again! It wasn't sensei wu we found, it was another old sensei. Great...just great. Just then, I get a call from Lloyd saying to meet up with the others, so we do.

At headquarters

Me and Jay walk in and find Kai, zane and nya.

"Guys!" Kai shouts and bro hugs us. "Woahhh Cole! Have you been body building or sommit?" He asks, touching my biceps.. Weirdo.

"Nope he just gave up cake. Cause 'his body is a temple'." Jay says sarcastically. "We have also been climbing ALOT of mountains trying to find master wu. Like cole, IM NOT BUILT FOR THAT!" He shouts in my face, sarcastically again, and falls face first on the couch beside him. We've all met up at borg tower which has turned kind of into a ninja base.

"What? Cole, you gave up CAKE? are you Sick? Do you need to lie down?" Nya asks concerned, obviously joking whilst trying to make a point. However, it ain't funny. I've already let wu down once, I can't get distracted by cake of all things.

"Hey! I'm just tryna be responsible. Someone has to be around here!" I mumble, sitting down on the couch next to Jay. With wu gone I swear I've gone mental. I let out a heavy sigh.

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