Master who?

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My eyes flutter open to the peaceful sound of birds chirping and the gentle wind breezing past my ears subtlety. I sit up and breathe in deeply, this time I'm not breathing deeply cause I'm stressed, I'm breathing deeply cause I'm relaxed and happy for once. I take a moment to breathe in the cool fresh air, I may have done this on the roof of the boarding school or the ninjago news report center, but this time feels different. I feel free. However, the childish smile on my face does falter when I realise I'm hungry and I have no food, I'm going to have to climb the rest of this mountain and see if I can see anywhere to get food from.

I stand up from the rock, tighten the bag around my chest and start the rest of the journey. The top isn't too far, I can see it from here I've just got to climb it without falling. However I'm used to climbing mountains so I should be okay.

My foot fits nicely in a rocky space and my hands grab on to an out of place stone. I start making my way up, pulling my body up the mountain and carefully jumping from one sharp ledge to another, until finally with one last pull I make it to the top.

I take a minute to get my breath back and let the burning sensation in my arms slowly fade away. Once I can breathe again, I look up to gaze at the view... or at least I tried to. In front of the view, sitting on the floor and drinking tea from a teacup and pot is an old man. Ive never seen this man before in my life but what I want to know is, how in the HELL did he even get up here? And WHY is he sitting on top of a mountain just drinking tea? Is it like a hobby to him? From first glance you wouldn't think he'd be able to climb a mountain in the first place.

"Huh?" Was all I could spit out.

"Hello there." He said calmly.

"H-how did you...who are you?" Seriously who the hell is he?

"I think that is a question for me to ask, but first, why do you climb the mountain?" He questions. I can't tell him about how I ran way from boarding school because my dad is being a jackass, what if he sends me back? I don't want to risk it, even if he wouldn't do that.

"I..lost someone a few years back. My father should be sad...or angry but he's just- he's..." I struggle with my words.


"He spends all his time with his group singing and dancing. He was never home! He never Visits! He left all the chores for me when I was only 10! With her gone...I guess it's up to me to be the responsible one. He acts like nothings happened, how can he sing and dance at a time like this!" He sighs.

"Grief takes many forms, some sing and dance, some climb mountains."

"W-why did you climb the mountain?"

"To find you Cole".

"M-me? Why...are you looking for me? How do you know my name? Who are you?" I stumble over my words, his words surprised me I admit. Why on earth would an old man I don't even know be trying to find me?

"I am master wu." He starts.


"Wu. Yes. And I am looking for you hold something special inside of you Cole." Come again?


"I want you to come with me, to train to be a ninja. To embrace the earth within you and show your true strength." He stands up and pours his tea on to the floor, or at least I thought he did, instead the tea disappears and swirls into a large weird looking portal thing.

"What is THAT? and what do you mean ninja? And strength of the earth within me or whatever?" I'm so confused.

"I will explain everything when we start your training. When you are ready, you will be able to protect those who cannot protect themselves. It is what you are destined to do Cole." He explains. That's what my mother said...

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