On guar- or not...

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Me, Jay and Zane are all sitting on the wall outside the monastery wearing our black ninja gi's, watching the horizon when we hear water running. We're supposed to be on guard and there's no mountain streams on this mountain so we all jump down from the wall and follow the noise.

We decide to be stealthy and climb through the interior of the building until we finally stop above a room. This room was supposed to be empty but now there's luggage on the bed and a mysterious person brushing their teeth in the bathroom. What the hell? How did they get past our watch?

We jump down behind him and hide in the corners of the room when he's not looking. He seems to be talking to himself; Punching the air and throwing threats to literally no one. He ends up aiming his tooth brush at me when punching the air and stops. He notices the other two beside me and we reach for our weapons.

"Oops..." he lets out.

He spins around quick on his feet and a fight breaks out. The toothbrush is flown around the room and ends up down my back, this shit feels so weird, my whole body vibrates. He jumps up into the roof structures and I quickly follow him and end up in front of him. I take this chance to kick him down but the fucker moves out of the way and I end up kicking nothing, falling off the roof.

That's when I hear a crack in the roof, zane had kicked him so hard he ended up flying through the roof and into the training yard of the monastery. Bloody hell is he inhuman? Obviously that was a joke the guy looks normal enough to me.

We run outside and find him getting onto his feet. All of us go for him at once and we tumble onto the ground, each throwing punches and kicks everywhere. Until....

"STOP!" Sensei wu's voice echos around the monastery. We all freeze and look at each other before getting up off of the intruder and bowing to master wu.

What? If you can't beat em, join em.

"Yes sensei"

"Wait a minuet! THEY are you students too? This was my final test wasn't it..?" He questions.
Too? what? Sensei never told us about a fourth?

Jay speaks up. " WOAH woah woah woah woah woah! You never said any thing about a fourth? It's always three! Three blind mice. Three musketeers. Thre-" I cut him off to shut him up.

"I think what he is trying to say sensei wu, is that the three of us have already started training together." That's true, Jay and zane had both joined me in the 20 minutes training I did after a few minutes. "we're solid" I put my fists together to symbolise.

"huh, didn't look so solid to me..." the guy mumbled. Wow. Just rude. I give him a glare. That'll teach him.

"Master? What is the meaning of this?" Zane cuts in before an argument breaks out.

"Each of you have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties. But first..."

"Ninja-GO!!" He spins really really fast and all of a sudden our outfits change. I'm assuming that was the spinjitzu that wu was talking to us about before we went on guard. Everyone's outfit has changed except mine. Just a few extra bands and weirdly shaped clips.

"Woah! How did he do that!" The one in red asks.

"Huh! Look what colour I am!" Jay squeals in excitement. Cute...

"Wait a minute, I'm still black?" Sensei wu looks at us all then at the one in red. He lowers his staff onto his shoulder.

"Kai. Master of fire. It burns right in you." He says. So I guess Kai is his name. And he's the master of what?! Master wu then turns to Jay and lowers his staff onto his shoulders.

"Jay is blue. Master of lightning." Now I'm really confused. Is he saying we have powers? I mean, he told me this before but I thought that was all metaphorical? Of course Jay couldn't keep his trap shut after this was said, I've only known him for half a day and it feels like I've known him forever, same with Zane. He- I mean it's kinda cute how he's so exited all the time...

"That's not all I'm the master of! I do a little inventing, I dabble in model building, a touch of cooking, a little poetry-" I cut him off to shut him up. Once again! See what I mean?

"Uh...more like the mouth of lightning..." I mumble.

"Black ninja is Cole! Solid as Rock, master of the earth." Master of earth? That's so cool!! I spin the weapon in my hands and stamp it in the ground in front of me. I kinda like the sound of master of earth, I do love nature. I hear Kai huff next to me. I turn to him.

"Nice to meet ya kid. I've got your back! And for the record...there ain't nothing in this world I'm afraid of." I point my weapon at him and drag my hood off my face to look at him. This whole thing could be a completely new character for me. It could be a new life, a new mask. I don't have to be the sad little abused boy who ran away from his only remaining family, I can change to be someone else. Someone better...for once. Solid as rock? I can do that. Of courseeee Zane had to step in.

"Except for dragons." He annoyingly says. I lower my weapon.

"Dragons...aren't...from this world zane...I said in this world." I stutter. To be fair...he did get me on that one. I told him I was afraid of dragons earlier when training. Why? I have no idea.

"And white ninja is Zane! Master of ice and seer with sixth sense." Zane starts throwing his ninja stars about.

Kai turns to me and whispers,

"I sense this one takes things a little too seriously." His whispers aren't very quiet as everyone literally just heard that. Including Zane.

"You too have the gift?" He asks clueless.

"Hahaha he's just making a joke Zane. Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humour huh?" Jay tries to explain but He replies,

"Yes it was a joke, ha ha." And once again he sounds a lot like Siri. Jay slaps his forehead annoyed.

"Pay attention!" Everyone turns to wu and straightens their posture. "You four are the chosen ones, who will protect the four weapons of spinjitzu from lord garmadon." Everything wu is saying right now is so cool! I don't know who this garmadon guy is but he's gunna get his ass whooped! I don't know what's happened to me haha! Yesterday I refused to fight, now I'm ready for some action!

"But what about my sister!" Kai shouts. His sister? What happened to his sister? Was she taken by this Garmadon dude?

"Huh! We're saving a girl? Is she hot?" Jay asks excitedly, COMPLETELY ignoring the fact that her BROTHER is standing 2 inches away from him. I'm guessing this means he's straight...

"Jay...!!!" I groan.

"I-I just wanna know what we're getting ourselves into...does she like blue?" He presses.

"Back. The fuck. Off." Kai warns. Ughh well this is embarrassing.

"When we find the weapons, we will find your sister. It is time, we must go to the first weapon." Wu finishes. But there's one thing I want to know.

"Woah woah woah hold on a minuet. You said you were going to teach us spinjitzu"? I question. To be fair, it looks awesome to do!

"Spinjitzu is inside each and every one of you. But it will only be unlocked, when the key is ready to be found." Huh? I'm sorry? What's with the bloody riddles? I mean seri-

"Come! My feet are tired, we will take the horse carriage." Wu interrupts.

"Great. Now we have to find a key?" Jay whines. Honestly I feel the same. I'm too tired for this, who thought sleeping on a flat rock wouldn't be comfortable enough to sleep?

"Yeah...I'm feeling like he's taking us for a ride." I don't like the sound of a horse carriage, and not just because I've never seen a horse before.

"Well if it means finding my sister, then sign me up." Kai states and then goes to follow master Wu inside the building. Wow jeez okay, someones a little too serious. I swear he was just having a go at zane for this?

We all follow him and find master Wu, getting ready for whatever adventure he is about to send us on.

I have a feeling this is the start of something new and... happy in my life for once. I for one cannot wait for the future.

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