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"Where the hell have you been?"

Sesshomaru paused in his stride to look over his shoulder at his younger half brother. Inuyasha stood against a tree, with a large elk on his shoulder. Dead and bleeding onto the fabric of his robes. It was unsurprising that Inuyasha killed different varieties of game for his descendants. He did this during his marriage to the late priestess, keeping their family well fed throughout harsh winters and less than flourishing summers.

Inuyasha did this more frequently with the births of new babies in his family line. Giving him something other than patrolling his village. There was always a new birth for Inuyasha to provide meat for. Leaving the new parents to get accustomed to their child and worrying little for nutrient based meat for the new mother's recovery.

The lead Higurashi priest's wife recently gave birth to a son. Due to the birth, the priest stayed behind closed doors with his wife, tending to her as everyone brought them what they needed. Inuyasha was the one who brought game for the family to butcher and use for their leisure. Even if the child was female, Inuyasha would have killed a multitude of animals to show his appreciation to his bloodline.

In contrast, Sesshomaru was without a mate or children to extend his line. Not for lack of trying on his mother's end. Her insistent need to introduce him to viable mates grew tiresome rather quickly.

His mother's picks were never quite right.

As a result of Sesshomaru's lack of heirs, Inuyasha was the heir of the Western Lands. A title his brother rejected the moment Sesshomaru brought up the subject. Sesshomaru still sent tutors for his brother's children and their grandchildren, and so on. Just because Inuyasha wasn't using his rightful title didn't mean his descendants deserved to be uneducated. Adding in Higurashi Kagome's own brand of education, who managed to teach Sesshomaru a thing or two, left Inuyasha's line with booklets of vast knowledge. Knowledge which helped Sesshomaru's nieces and nephews bring in better marriage prospects.

Those booklets were well preserved with talismans and protected under the Higurashi shrine.

In their demon circles, Inuyasha was accepted on account of being the main figure to defeat Naraku despite his half breed status. Other half breeds would have jumped at the chance of being accepted, but Inuyasha felt resentment for the lackluster treatment throughout his life. He accepted he was different and simpered to no one. Sesshomaru didn't blame Inuyasha and didn't push his brother to forgive and forget. The hypocrisy alone would tear apart their relationship all over again.

Sesshomaru perpetuated most of the insults and berating of his brother. He did nothing to stop rumors which trailed behind his brother. The late Lord Touga's son, his second son, a son of a princess, was left to squalor.

This was a stance their late father would have beaten Sesshomaru for. To show discontent in their family, a dwindling line, was unacceptable. Other demon lines hungered for civil war in the higher ranked lines for a chance to usurp their place.

Sesshomaru didn't know where people heard he disliked his brother enough to kill him. He disliked his origins, the taint in his blood, not the boy himself. More often than not, he trailed behind his naive brother. Killing greedy demons who thought to murder him to receive recognition or praise from Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru blamed his youthful beliefs of superiority. Those who surrounded him voiced their hatred of half breeds, finding them abominations and meaningless. His parents didn't dispute the comments, but never defended humans either.

Since his brother got married, Inuyasha was well financed through the stipend their late father instilled for his wife. An income Sesshomaru kept hidden from the late Lady Izayoi, knowing full well the once revered princess would have been rejected because of her half demon son. Higurashi Kagome handled the money due to Inuyasha allocating the power onto his wife. Trusting her to balance their household while he handled gathering meat or other provisions.

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