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I had this idea where Cangse Sanren and Wei Ying are Rin's descendants and Sesshomaru semi adopted Rin through blood pact rites. He placed a mark on her to track her blood for protection purposes. Hence, the crescent mark on their wrists which indicate they're related to Rin.

Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze being brought back to life by Sesshomaru. This way Wei Ying gets his parents and Cangse Sanren gets a glimpse of who she descends from. Wei Ying never goes to Lotus Pier as a disciple, he is a rogue cultivator alongside his parents.

Thanks for reading!



Gasps of air and a sequence of coughing disturbed the serene darkness of the night.

Golden eyes glowed bright as he stared down at the once dead bodies. His sword gleamed under the moonlight, unstained by blood for it could not cut. It had never cut a single person since its creation centuries ago. A sword once dismissed due to the lack of usability. Yet, it became no less cherished once he knew how to use it.

The pulsations lessened enough for the sword to settle down. The stranger lowered down his sword and peered down at the left wrist of the male to rule out his importance. As expected, his skin was blank. There was nothing to note from the man other than high cultivation prowess. His golden core was not weak or laughably miniscule to keep up with a descendant of his ward.

Turning to the woman, whose appearance resembled his cherished one, he stepped closer to her. Her left wrist was obscured by wrist guards, keeping what was his ward's mark away from his view.

Taking in air, he smelled the underlying demonic smell that many of his ward's descendants exuded. So minute of a scent where only demons of his caliber tracked it down. Of course, humans could never be a demon unless their parents copulated with a demon. They merely had the ability to manifest demonic energy without losing themselves. Too much.

At least, this was the consensus between various males of Rin's line. Males always wanted a chance to prove themselves worthy of power. Foolhardy in wanting to achieve power and notoriety.

The women navigated through hiding in plain sight. Fighting back when necessary, defending their children, and making sure to survive the landscape of everyday life. Their foresight helped to prolong their families in some capacity.

As the pair before him regained their consciousness, he sheathed his sword. He was a tad amused when the male immediately picked up his sword and pointed it at him. This defense was far too late, for they were already killed, but the male instinctively chose to defend his partner.


Partners of his daughter's bloodline tended to be protective or selfless. A trait which tended to repeat throughout the generations. Sure, there were a few duds, but those were taken care of by nature itself. Ones who became unprotected under his sword and disappeared .

Once the woman regained consciousness, he saw the physical aspects of his daughter. The lingering scent of demon was carried through the air and tickled his nose. He had the right person.

Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands would not let his daughter's line die out if he could prevent it.


"You are my daughter. Do not bow to those inferior to you,"

Rin's eyes formed crescent moons as she smiled. Her hands grasped Sesshomaru's claws, there was no fear in her eyes. Throughout her life alongside Sesshomaru, her faultless trust in him was incredulous to behold.

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