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"No more trips to Yunmeng, hmm???" Liu Meilin teased her husband as he stepped through the front door. "Did the old man accept the whole payment?"

Setting his traveling hat onto the hook beside the door, Wei Changze nodded his head. "He didn't say he found my sudden wealth strange, but he took one look at my robes and accepted the payment. He teased me by calling me, Young Master."

Sitting in her new favorite lounging chair, she couldn't believe she could claim such a thing, Liu Meilin snickered. "You are married to a rich woman. You are to dress the part of my spoiled husband." She opened up her arms for him to embrace her. And embrace her, he did. Her husband even kissed her gently before laying another kiss on her forehead. "Did you run into anybody?"

"Just the usual vendors and the grateful people we have helped around Lotus Pier. Some tried to give goods to me, but I had to reject their kind gesture." Her husband sheepishly smiled. "I didn't think I would be able to fly with everything they thought to give me."

Puffing out her cheeks, Liu Meilin fake whined. "Aw....but I love those hot cracklings that are sold by the butcher."

"Next time."

"You say that, but you claim you're not going back to Yunmeng!" Liu Meilin teased him, kissing him once more before he straightened himself up. "How am I going to quench my desire for cracklings?"

Her husband chuckled. "Then, I may have to break my own word and retrieve my wife her hot cracklings."

Liu Meilin fake swooned on her lounging chair. "Oh, my husband is so good to this wife."

Wei Changze could do nothing more than chuckle.

Liu Meilin sat up straight before she held onto his hands. "Honestly...how was your trip? Did you run into anybody ?"

Wei Changze informed her. "Only the uncles and aunties of the marketplace. Nobody from Lotus Pier saw me. With how fast gossip travels, they probably know I was around for the day."

She sighed in relief. "Good, good."

Liu Meilin clenched his hands, silently reassuring him at the sight of his bitter frown. She knew full well when her husband missed home. His whole demeanor changed from his usual silent composure to a more solemn one.

She disliked laying blame on people, but the new Madam Jiang, no, Madam Yu , was at fault for her husband's heartache. All of Madam Yu's grief was because of a one sided rivalry Liu Meilin never acknowledged. She didn't need to sour her day by thinking of that woman's choke inducing jealousy.

Maybe if Jiang Fengmian caused his wife to reach the heavens, she would have a better disposition. Liu Meilin couldn't complain about her husband's ability to make her peak multiple times. Although to think of their friend in the privacy of his bedroom was a humorous thought.

Her husband tapped her forehead with his finger, eyebrow arched at the sight of her smile.

"Do you think A-Mian makes his wife....peak?" She smirked. "They've had two children...think he keeps her satisfied? Or at least distracted enough not to think about her obsession with me?"

Wei Changze grimaced. "I don't wish to think of what my friend does or doesn't do to his wife. If she is so discontent, she should speak."

She muttered. "She yells more than enough for the both of them."

Wei Changze couldn't stop himself from snorting. Liu Meilin laughed along with him as they let themselves loosen up.

Releasing his hand, Liu Meilin fiddled with his front robes. She moved her fingers over the fabric, satisfied to see him in these lavish robes. Her Changze deserved to be spoiled and pampered. With their new kitchen, she might just make him his favorite meal for the afternoon.

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