Complain [Mai]

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You groan as Ty Lee jumps around happily, clapping her hands together in excitement, the noise giving you a headache. You don't understand how she has so much energy all the time, or why she's getting excited about something as boring as this. 

You've been invited to some rich guy's party ─ you being you, Ty Lee, Azula, Zuko and Mai. You really don't want to go; you've attended many public events with your family due to them being influential nobles in the Fire Nation, and they were all awful. You have a feeling this one will be no different. 

"Why do we have to go?" Zuko demands as he crosses his arms, clearly just as annoyed as you are. 

"Because father said so. You do want to please our dear father, don't you, Zuzu?" Azula replies, mocking Zuko's tendency to try and appease their father. 

The prince turns away from his sister, but doesn't argue further. Mai, however, just has to complain, as usual. 

"This sounds like a complete and utter bore," she speaks in her usual deadpan, and as much as you hate to admit it, she's right about this one. 

"I agree with Gloomy over here." You place your hands behind your head, leaning back against your chair. "Sounds like a waste of time."

Mai glares at you for calling her Gloomy again, despite the many times she's told you not to. 'Told you' meaning she threatened you with her knives. You shiver at the memory. Those things are sharp. 

Azula's expression isn't any less intimidating. She shoots a fireball at the legs of your chair, causing it to collapse and you fall to the floor, grunting as you roughly hit the ground. 

"I don't care what you think about this party. You are all going and that is final." Azula gives you an evil look, causing you to nod rapidly. If looks could kill, Azula would have mangled your corpse. 

"Good. Now go and get changed, you look awful. We leave in an hour."

. . .

You cross your arms as you watch the party go by, the shitty music playing far too loud and making you want to piss Azula off so she would kill you. Yes, it's that bad. 

Mai sits next to you, looking like she's having an even worse time than you are. She scowls at everyone and everything, and you think she's about to pull her knives out and attack everyone here, and honestly you can't blame her. In fact, you're ready to set this whole place on fire. 

"I hate it here," you groan, glaring at a girl who tries to approach you. 

"I hate my life," Mai says in her monotone voice, expression blank as usual. 

"Don't we all." You scan the room, looking for something ─ anything ─ that could get you out of this cursed place. 

"I think it's great!" Ty Lee pops up in front of you both, a large smile on her face. "Why don't you guys actually try and enjoy it? Y'know... talk to people!"

"No," Mai replies simply. 

"Kill me," you say, the Azula plan sounding better by the second. 

"Y'know, you two have a lot of negative energy." Ty Lee frowns, which is very unusual for her. 

"So we've been told," you and Mai reply at the same time, used to comments like that. 

"Well, if you two are going to be downers, then I'm going to have fun!" Ty Lee exclaims happily, skipping over to a group of boys, who are more than happy to accommodate her in their conversation. You shake your head and stand up, causing Mai to look at you. 

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