Chapter 2 - Provided you don't kill me, I think we'll be besties

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I'm not saying Rick and Glenn were lying, but their 'camp' wasn't really a 'camp'.

Instead of seeing a variety of multicoloured tents and a dying fire, there sat a large and magnificent farm house. The porch stretched around the whole house and there were not one, not two but three red brick chimneys sticking out of the roof. This was definitely one the nicest places she had ever been to, especially under these circumstances.

As they were approaching the estate, Skye could see a figure sprinting at fully speed towards them. As they got closer, Skye saw it was a boy about her age. He had the brightest blue eyes and wore sheriff's hat atop his head. Stopping maybe six feet away from them, Skye watch his facial expression turn from hopeful and excited to disappointed and frustrated.

"Whose she?" He asked bluntly.

"Carl, meet Skye, we found her coming back from a run." Rick answered, based on their resemblance Skye made the logical conclusion they were related, most likely father and son.

Carl snorted loudly, shaking his head before glaring at his father. For a split second, they made eye contact. All Skye can see was a look of disgust and annoyance staring back at her. Wow, what a friendly first impression. 

Casting one last frown at his father, Carl stormed off. Glenn moved and placed a comforting hand on Skye's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it kid, he'll warm up to you, how about you follow after him, get to know him in your own way rather then through us?"

Nodding, Skye parted from Rick and Glenn and make her way down the lonely dirt path behind the house. Stacking Carl's footprints, she found a small den made out of fallen branches and stained blankets. Crouching down, Skye made her way through a small gap just big enough for child to pass through.

Immediately she was engulfed in darkness. It was hot and stuffy in the small space, with only a small breeze slipping in through gaps in the walls. Suddenly a Skye heard the click of a rifle being loaded and a voice speak to her.

"Get out now!"

A match sparked, lighting a lamp which illuminated Carls face.

"Nice to meet you too," answered Skye with a mix of sarcasm and awkwardness as she slowly raised her hands in the air. 

"You heard me get out," Carl snapped back, showing no sign of backing down.

"You're not going to shoot me, Carl," Skye sighed as if unbothered by the situation, shifting her body into a comfortable crossed legged sit.

"Don't act like you know who I am,"

"I'm not saying I do, but I did have a long talk with your Dad on the way up, he's not the kind of man to let you shoot me for no reason, is he?" She stated calmly, looking deep into his ocean eyes.

Silence filled the den as Carl glared at her, as if having an internal struggle with himself, before sighing and lowering his weapon.

"Fine, I can't kill you, but I still don't want you here, so get out," With that, he turned his back on her.

Exhaling slowing, Skye took in her surroundings. Everything was tilted a warm gold from the lamp, comic books and crayons littered the mossy floor and tucked away in the corner was something else. Reaching for it, Skye could see it was an old beige teddy bear. It's fur was matted and one of its buttons eyes were missing, but it had that childhood feeling of love and protection. Turning it over, she just make out a name written in scrawly black biro.

"Whose Sophia?"

Carl spun around instantly, his eyes immediately going to the bear.

"Put it down," He said, reaching his hand over to try to hit it out of her hands. Lifting her arm back up out of his reach, she repeatedly slowly.

"Who is Sophia?"

"If I tell you will you give it back?"


"Sophia is my friend, and she's missing," Carl said, avoiding eye contact as Skye stared intently at him.
"That's who I thought you were, when you showed up, I thought you were Sophia,"

"Well," Skye paused, trying to work out what to say next,"I am Skye, I know I'm not Sophia but maybe I can still help."

He tilted his head in confusion as he responded,"how?"

"I've been living on my own for a while, I know the outside world, maybe I can help you find her." She gently brought her arm back down and handed Carl back the bear.

She watched his face nervously for his reaction. After about five seconds of deep thought small smile crept across his face. He laughed quietly and said, "Ok Skye, I'd like that,"

Skye smiled and stretched out her hand.

"We haven't properly had our own introduction, I'm Skye Kennedy, it's my birthday today, I'm twelve and my favourite colour is teal,"

Carl looked amused before reaching out and shaking her hand.

"My name is Carl Grimes, my birthday is on June 27th, I'm twelve so I'm older than you,"

"Screw you man,"

Carl chuckled as he continued," and I like comic book,"

"I can tell," Skye remarked as she scanned the messy floor," where's all the Marvel ones?"

"I only started ready comics a little while ago and all I could find was DC ones,"

"Oh hell no, I need to fix that," Skye said with a disgusted look on her face.

Carl laughed and threw a dirty rubber ball at her.
"You're not so bad after all, I mean you're annoying but kinda tolerable,"

"Wow," Skye laughed,"kinda tolerable, provided you don't kill me I think we'll be besties."

The two started at each other for a second before bursting out in uncontrollable laughter.
Second Chapter!!!
Word Count - 976
I managed to get some more- hmm? I don't have a ship name for Carl and Skye yet.
Write me one in the comments pleaseee
Love you guys

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