Chapter 1 - It's my birthday today, you bonehead!

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The sound of stone scraping against metal echoed through the lonely valley as the sun began to rise. A glowing wash of oranges and yellows shone bright into Skye Kennedy's bright green eyes as she forced her pocket knife back and forth against the large bolder she was lying on. Sighing loudly, she lent her head down to rest for minute, her wrist was aching from her control and concentration. Looking back up, she squirmed her underweight body back a couple of centimetres back to admire her work.

109 tallies were now engraved lightly on the thick mass of slate, along with a small doodle of a cake, topped with one solemn candle. Obviously Skye didn't know it was her birthday for sure, but she was completely certain it was today. From counting the days after the little events where she was able to work out the date, it made sense it was today, 25th of September. Humming a quiet, 'Happy Birthday to me,' as to not attract the Afters, she scoured her surroundings.


Skye spun around as she rose to a kneeling position, knife still in hand ready to strike. However all hope of an advantage disappeared almost immediately.

"Drop the knife, now!" A dark haired man boomed loudly at her, gun raised at her from his position on the ground.

"Rick, she's a kid man, go easy" The second man whispered not so quietly to this now-identified 'Rick' as he too emerged from the thick trees of the forest.

Glaring back at the other man, Rick studied Skye's face as if searching it for answers, before motioning to her to climb down. Sliding gracefully to the ground, Skye straightened up,hands in the air, awkwardly awaiting further instructions.

"What's your name kid?" Rick pressed.


"Kid," The second man cut her off with an exhausted expression on his face,"just answer the questions,"

"Buzzkills," Skye muttered under her breath,"Skye, Skye Kennedy"

Nodding, Rick glanced back to the second man before going back to Skye.
"How many Walkers have you killed?"

Skye wrinkled her face up in confusion for a second, before realising.
"Oh you mean Afters, like by my self, or with people, or...."

"How many Walkers," He repeated,"have you killed?"

"Maybe 50, why?" She didn't appreciate being badgered with all these questions while knowing nothing about these strangers.

Ignoring her, Rick continued," How many people have you killed?"

Holding her breath, Skye answered seriously,"one." It wasn't a topic she liked to bring up, especially with these random men.

"Why?" Rick finished, leaning back against the bark of a tree as if to signal this was the last personal question she was forced to answer.

"She didn't turn into become what comes after," She answered, looking down at her converse.
She could tell by the uncomfortable silence the men were exchanging glances with each other. She wondered, perhaps if they were going to kill her, or at least use her as some kind of slave. Not on her watch.

"Alright kid," Rick said, breaking the silence and causing Skye to look up, "we have a camp, you'll be safe there if you want to come along with us,"

Skye's eyes narrowed as she looked between their faces, trying to detect a single tell that shows they're lying. Finding zero, she weighed the options in her head. Stay here, on her sad little boulder with 3 tins of some kind of soup, killing Afters ever so often, or take a risk to a hopefully better future. It was a not so tough call.

"Ok, I'll come, but first," She answered, bending down to pick up her knife," who are you?" She asked to second man.

"I'm Glenn," He answered, a small smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you Glenn, Rick," She said, having now obtained her weapon from the damp Earth, " let's go,"

"Just one second kiddo, I'm gonna need your knife, what are you like eight?" Rick responded, holding his hand open waiting to receive.

"It's my birthday today, you bonehead! I'm twelve," Skye snapped back at him, before sighing and handing over her weapon.

"Thank you and happy birthday Skye," Rick smirked back at her, before leading them out through the forest.
First Chapter Completed! I'm so happy!
71o word count
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Love you guysss

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