Prologue - In the days before

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"Skye get your ass up and out of bed," yelled her mother from downstairs in the kitchen.

Rolling her eyes, Skye dragged herself reluctantly up from her mattress, to sit groaning in a crossed legged position on her apricot-coloured quilt. Glancing at the floor length mirror on the opposite wall of her bedroom, Skye saw a bedraggled tween
girl with messing, shoulder length ginger hair and deep green eyes staring wearily back at her.

Laughing and excited scream heard echoing through the corridors from outside the door, followed quickly by the sound of a toddler crying.
"Great," Skye thought to herself and arose from the bed and slipped into her slide-on slippers. Descending the stairs, she could she her 5 year old sister Jade jumping up and down repeatedly on the sofa, while sporting a large black top hat that looked as if it had been talked straight out of a Victorian History book, clutching a small teacup in her right hand.
"I hate America, I want to go home to daddy! Right now!' She screamed loudly as if she wanted the whole neighbourhood to hear her.
"I told you, I don't want hear anymore of this nonsense in my house, now get off the damn couch before I drag you off,"
The stern voice of our mother boomed like thunder from the next room. I suppose I need to provide some context about Skye and her family. When she turned 10 her parents, Tyler and Jenny Kennedy, split up and got a divorce due to their issues in lack of communication and petty disputes. Shortly after, Jenny got full custody because of her financial situation and moved herself and her family back to the US where she was born before she moved to the UK.
Skye looked around the living room and spotted her 4 year old brother James crying in the corner as  her 11 year old sister, Kylie, tried to calm him down.
Sighing, Skys got to work settling the house down, she could already tell this was going to be a long day.

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