Ch 20: Black Swan Whips Her Prince in the Ass

Start from the beginning

“Well that definitely screwed up the mood.”

“I’m pretty sure I screwed up my spine,” Liam jokingly whimpered as he got up.

“I was wondering, it’s only ten, so you want to watch another movie?”

“Sure. Which one?”

“Well I rented it for only educational purposes. If I want to learn my part, I thought giving that movie Black Swan a go would be beneficial.”

“Isn’t that like, hardcore thriller?” He raised his eyebrows looking doubtful.

“Are you scared of gore?”

No, it’s you I’m worried about. I watched that movie with Merelise during the summer. She had her eyes closed the entire time.”

“I’ll be fine. Chill.”

I wasn’t. What person would go this far to make a horror movie? Not only was this movie psychotic on so many levels, the amount of gore was unbelievably realistic making me sick to my stomach. For example, the chick attempts to rip of a tiny hangnail but then tears a whole patch of skin. Not a very delightful sight.

“Happy thoughts Airi, happy thoughts. Baby birds and bunnies playing in fields of tulips.” It was obvious Liam was cracking up when his chest shook silently. When the movie was finally over, I stuck the DVD back into the case and threw it on the counter, wanting to have little to do with it.     

“I better get going,” Liam said, putting his shirt back on.

“Are you crazy? I can’t even look at my fingers without freaking out. Stay with me tonight. Please.”

“I thought you weren’t scared of gore.” He had a smirk on his face. I dug my nails into my palms.

“I lied. Please. Stay with me tonight. Or my reflection might murder me.”

“I’m missing soccer tomorrow morning for you.”

“I’ll make it up to you. I’ll come to your games.”

“In the nude?”

“Even better. Fully clothed,” I said, with a fake tone of excitement. We went into my room where we both collapsed in bed.

“Ugh, I have practice till three tomorrow.”

“What time does soccer start?

“Nine.” Nine. Damn.

“But you’re missing it for me. Right?”

“You little demon.” He jokingly said, grabbing my hips. “You were right. College sucks. I have four lab reports due next week and I haven’t even started not to mention the history paper Darcius assigned us.”

“Someone needs a massage,” I said, sympathizing for Liam after I realized how nice my life was the moment. I sat up pulling him up into sitting position as well. “C’mon Liam, I promise this will help.” He huffed and got up. I placed my hands on his shoulders, rubbing the knots with my thumbs, in circles. A few minutes later, I let my hands drop lower where I felt the most strain in his back.

“Maybe this will work better if you lay down on your belly.” He obeyed as I straddled on his back. Rather than for filling my purpose, I sat their grazing my fingers upon his shoulder blades and the skin layering his spine.

                “This is a pretty pathetic massage.”

                “Oh shut up,” I snapped with a chuckle, bending down to kiss his neck. He flipped over, looking at me with those eyes. I wasn’t thinking when I lowered my lips, gently placing them on each of his lids. He smiled with his eyes closed and held me so we were now spooning. We fell asleep soon after that.

I woke up in the middle night, sweating from the horrible thriller dreams from the stupid movie. Liam’s arms were still around me, his lips unconsciously on my neck. I looked up to see the time. Nice. 4:30 in the morning. I slipped away from his grasp, getting up to get a drink of water. I walked into the kitchen freezing from the bra and underwear I was only wearing. On the counter was Liam’s phone flashing with crazy colors. I picked it up to find thirteen unread texts.  All of them from a girl named “Zarina.” I opened them, instantly regretting what I did.

“LIAM!” I stormed into the room, waking him.

“What, what happened?”

“Who the f*ck is this chick?” I slammed the phone in his face. He first looked puzzled then he pushed the phone back.


“Whoa. Is that all you have to say? This slut sent you naked pictures of herself to you. And all you say is whoa? You have ten seconds to explain or I’m kicking you out with the ‘relationship’ we share.” I purposely used quotations with my fingers around relationship as I said it.

“Chill! I’m not that kind of guy! Some girlfriend you are, jumping to conclusions when you don’t know half the story!” He yelled back.

“Don’t you dare yellat me. I’m not the one with naked guys on my phone! What the hell is wrong with you? What, the fact that I go out of my own damn way to buy things you’ll like on me isn’t good enough?” My uncontrolled temper flared, reaching its max.

“But you don’t know half the f*cking story. I don’t know why I even try.”

“It’s not just the f*cking pictures. Have you seen what she wrote? You sick bastard.”  He massaged his temples angrily, putting his clothes on. My eyes still glared when he left without a word. Screw this. I told you being single was the way to go. I dropped into my bed, trying to forget everything that just happened.

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