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I couldn't sleep a wink last night. Miriam was my first... I hate to use the word victim or sacrifice, I'm no vodoo witch doctor so I usually call them the sufferers... So as I was saying, Miriam is the first sufferer that I feel for. She was young, innocent had her whole life before her. I know you probably thinking I'm saying that because she was my son's lover and all, you would be right to think that because you don't know the first two that I... Killed, not a fan of using that word either. I am no killer. I am a father protecting his son and I think I extended the fatherly love to those girls too. They were basically God's wasted breaths, I truly believe I did them a favor by offering them to the man.

There's not much I can tell you about them except that one, the very first one spent her days and nights chasing her next euphoria. I met her at this rooftop bar. I've never learnt how to pronounce it's a french name so I won't tell you lest you bite your tongue off . It's one of my favorite places in the entire world, it's where I met my wife. She was the bartender there. She made the best sangria I ever tasted. She wouldn't tell anyone what was in it. It was her secret recipe she'd say, to this day I still don't know what was in those drinks not that I really care it would have been fragments of her dead grandmother's bones and I'd still kill for it. I guess maybe that's why she used to say it was the sole reason why I married her. She had a smart mouth too. That's where Star got it from. I miss her and I miss the Sangria she used to make for me... So the girl I was telling you about was hired to replace my Sissy... That's what I used to call my wife. I found it offending that they had replaced her with that trainwreck but they did say she could wip up a pretty good cocktail but after Sissy died I stopped drinking so I'd never know. Though she was a mess she was pretty kind hearted. She used to offer me different kinds of ways to ease the pain of losing my Sissy. I was always rude to her but she wouldn't relent I guess to her there was nothing more miraculous and magical than fentanyl or codeine or opioids or... you get what I'm saying.

It was after I got the visit from the man that I pretended to take her up on her offer. She was thrilled as we walked back to my place. She kept blabbing on about how my night with her was going to be the best night yada yada, boy it was the longest and worst thirty minutes of my life because one, I hadn't wrapped my head around what the man's story was and what I had gotten myself into, not that I now have but it was a few days after my first encounter with him so you can try putting yourself in my shoes and two the girl was an annoying bimbo. She went on and on and on about how most guys obsess over her, I swear if I were to spend the whole day with her my ears would've bled. Speaking of blood, her death is the bloodiest of the three, I used an axe on her. She didn't deserve it but I guess when you high you really are high. The bathroom was the first thing she asked for when we arrived. I was in no spirits of entertaining her any further so I followed her there to get it over and done with. I got right in after she had finished taking a piss. The excitement on her face when I made my way in almost made me feel guilty. Almost. I sometimes stop and think that hadn't she pulled out a bottle of some weird looking tablets out of her bust I might have spared her. She offered me one, I took it and popped it into my mouth, I did swallow it. Man she was so proud of me. It was as if I had done the impossible or something. And if you should know, that shit she gave me was as strong as hell, if I had taken two I would've died of an overdose. Excitedly she wrapped her arms around me and started kissing me. She was a pretty good kisser I must admit, I hadn't had sex in ages and her hands were landing on all the right places, it was when she ran out the door to the bedroom that things got messy. Star was in the living room watching some science show. We still had a TV set. I had told him that she was a co-worker who lived not far from us and that she needed the bathroom so I couldn't let her leave the bathroom and saunter all the way to the bedroom. I reached for the axe at the corner of the room. I found it there when I first moved in, I guess it belonged to whoever called this dump home before me. I always meant to throw it out but it kept slipping my mind, things do happen for a reason I guess. I rushed after her. I swung the heavy old thing and I got her right on the neck before she could cover much ground to my sanctuary as she called it. My aim was to dicapitate her but the rusted thing was blunt as hell. But now that I'm thinking about it it's a good thing that that axe was blunt imagine her head rolling across the floor. I'd be traumatized till this day. Even though it had failed chopping her head off I did think that it had killed her but I couldn't be more wrong. I had to plunge it three times deep into her chest for her to finally die. I will never forget her screams. They used to haunt me. But they faded as I got used to killing.

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