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The alarm blares, it's that time of day again. I try to ignore the sound but it's insufferable, full of rage I slap the clock hard, so hard that my hand nearly bleeds. I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say it consoles me to do so. I open my eyes and stare at the old, barely existing ceiling. The giant whole at the corner always gives me a kick in the ass to get up every time I see it.

I once had it all, a great career and a beautiful family. Sadly tragedy struck. Thanks to my deteriorating eye sight, on one unfortunate Sunday night the road got blury, I panicked, I lost control of the car and crashed. My wife died on the spot. Though short, I take consolation in knowing that her life was lived to the fullest. She left behind a son. Our son Star.

He was in the car with us. He was injured badly . He once spent months relying on machines just to breath. The doctors had given up all hope. I had spent my last dime on him when I finally decided to let him go. But a prayer I had said one night turned into a miracle. Just before I turned off the machine. He opened his eyes.

With a sigh full of gratitude that I have been granted yet another day with my precious boy, my routine begins. I get out of bed and the first thing I do every morning is go check up on my son...he's all I got, I'm all his got... My bed is big enough for the two of us but for some reason I guess he wasn't down on waking up to my face every morning so he sleeps on the sofa in the family room. No matter how he rolls himself up he has outgrown the old velvet thing. Seeing him every morning coiled up in an awkward position always breaks my heart. He's a sixteen year old God knows he has a lot to stress about without having to figure out how to sleep without hurting his neck or cramping his toe. It's been ten years since the accident but I'm still trying to earn back my fortune... I don't hold it against my son. I love him to bits.

"Hey Star...Star... hey boy, get up, time for school"

With an enthusiasm I never understand he stretches himself awake.

"Morning Pa... how was your sleep ?"

For the last sixteen years I have known Star, those words are the first thing to come out of his mouth every morning without fail. They always have the power to get me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"It was long enough to qualify only as a nap trust me, get up now we ain't got all day."

" Well then that means sleeping beauty ain't got nothing on you."

He's got a smart mouth and that makes him more than just a son, it makes him my best friend.

" Damn it boy, who you calling beauty?"

"You know what... you right dad with a face like that you'd make a scarier beast any day."

Jokes are always part of our mornings. That's how we keep sane. This time around my attacks send him running to the shower. I can't help but wonder what kind of man he'd turn out to be.

The second thing on my never changing to do list is breakfast, it's never anything fancy. A few slices of bread served with a sparkling glass of water but on certain days with fresh orange juice. He doesn't spend much time in the shower and he always finishes getting ready just in time for his meal. He always eats it all up in a matter of seconds without poking at it or complaining. After breakfast he collects his school stuff and heads out the door. Over the last couple of months I've grown to notice that maybe school is what makes his life worth living. If that's the case I'm greatful for whatever happens at his school. He's a very intelligent boy. Though he hit his head pretty hard when the car crashed he's a genious. He attends one of the most estimed institutions on a scholarship.

The usual train ride headed back home is a little different today. I've finally cleared my debts. I can start saving up for a better place. It's good news I cannot wait to share with my boy. I get off and hurry home. Star is already at home and started on dinner. Boy is he gonna be thrilled when I tell him we are eating out tonight, a first after almost a lifetime ago. I swing the door open, rush to the kitchen where I usually find Star fixing a broken gadget for a classmate.

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