Chapter 7: imprisonment.

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[systems activated]

I felt the van stop and the guards pulled me out. There was a large gate in front of us. I found that they had removed my disguise watch while I was in the van. The landscape was dry desert. Checking the thermometer on the statistic screen, It was 38 degrees Celsius. They pressed a button and spoke into the intercom. The gates slid open and they led me through by the arm. After a while, they took off the hood that covered my face. I seemed to be in a room of some sorts, one part of the wall was discoloured, but activating my heat sense, I confirmed that it was two way glass. "Entity 399, please step forward." A voice came from a hidden intercom. One of the guards jabbed me from behind with their gun and I stepped forwards. "Name?"

I answered, "nexus."





"And finally, location?"

"Triangulum Galaxy, city neo culpta"

After a few minutes of hearing scribbling through the loudspeaker, it came on again.

"Ok, these results almost match another entity we brought in a few days ago. You shall be sharing the same containment unit with it."

Before I could answer, they put the hood back into my head and led me away by the arms.

(I have yet to work in this but I will work on it over the course of a few days. I still go to college so I may be late uploading.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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