Chapter 4: escape

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[running systems...]

[CPU efficiency: 80%]

[protogen (nexus) online]

I unplugged myself from the charger, and the scientist had a cup of coffee in their hand. They had trouble keeping their eyes open. And eventually fell asleep, and spilled the coffee on the panel.

The door opened. I pulled the charger from the wall and packed it into the compartment behind my head. "Saved me some trouble" I said to myself, before stepping through and taking the scientist's wallet, and M1911. Before I began to Hotwire the door, I noticed a keypad next to a panel on the wall. It could just be a storage containment unit for extra ammo and such, but if not, the contents may or may not be useful for my escape. 

I attempted to hack it a few times, but ended up just ripping the panel off in frustration. Inside, were the contents of my escape pod. The wrist blade, my plasma pistol, and a few specialised grenades, only to be used on major hostiles or groups. I put the wrist blade on my wrist, and it coiled around it and stuck on firmly. I took the pistol, and put it in the holster the scientist had for the M1911 pistol, and stuffed the grenades into my leg compartment. I then grabbed the scientists hand and pressed it against the panel on the wall. There were two guards stationed outside, who instantaneously aimed their guns at me. I thrust the wrist blade through the chest of the first guard, and swung back and sliced across the chest of the second guard. Taking the money from their wallets, I went through towards the location of the exit. When I passed through a corridor, there were guards stationed as patrol outside of the gate. They all noticed me and began to fire. I ran towards them to get to a good position to attack. it somewhat felt as if a few bullets hit me. I then began to fire at them with my plasma pistol and eventually, the guards all had been subdued. alarms began to blare and lights began to flash. Through a speaker, the voice of a guard said,

"Warning: Keter scp 10302 is escaped, I repeat, Keter scp 10302 is escaped."

I ran towards the exit, but the guards quickly covered it. They all began to fire, and I pulled a grenade from the storage compartment at the back of my head, and threw it. I waited until I heard the ear piercing


I sprinted to the exit and shot the keypad with the plasma gun. I ran outside, only to be greeted by the sight of an entire army. Instead of opening fire, they waited until I reacted. I calmly dropped my plasma gun, grenades, and detached my wrist blade. One of the organics, this one wearing a dark suit, pulled out what looked like a taser. I attempted to lash out at him, but he reacted first, stabbing it into my sid-

[system shutdown]

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