Chapter 5: college

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"Oh my god, na-92, you're back!"

na-92 was the AI of my escape pod. Before it crashed, I downloaded it into my memory. Just as it hit the surface, it was at 99% at downloading. I though I had lost it forever. Until now

"Of course I'm back, where did you think I was?"

"The void"

"Judging by your damaged torso, you've done something, again."

"Well, I broke out of a facility designed to hold an army, blew up a bunch of stuff, and I am now currently on the U.S government watchlist. Also, how did I get here?"

"That's a story for later. But now, you've got to get ready for college."

"What is college?"

"Essentially an education centre."


I now noticed that I was on a bed in an apartment.

"Get your bag. Now."


I found the bag in a corner in the room. It contained something called a binder and other objects. But the thing I pulled out immediately, was a cloaking device.

"Perfect for blending in." na-92 said.

"Yeah, I figured."

I opened a cabinet and pulled out clothing. I pulled it on, turned on the cloaking device and went to 'college'.

As I made my way to the building, something hit the floor in front of me. Taking a close look, I saw it was a stone. Another hit my back, and I turned in the direction of the stone that was thrown.

"hey freak!"

I turn to the voice, and there are three people hiding in the bushes along the trees.

"Get over here!"

"Dropouts." A voice next to me said. "Ignore them."

I Continued walking until I felt a exploding pain in the back of my head. One of them had come up behind me and hit me with a baseball bat. "Next time, punk, don't ignore me."

He said. He kicked me before getting dragged away by local police stationed outside of the building.

[system shutdown]

(I will continue this story but I have the tendency to stop writing when I get to a point where I'm stuck.)

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