Chapter 3: plan

35 0 0

systems on]

[runnings statistics...]

[CPU efficiency: 50%]

[protogen (nexus) online]

I woke and unplugged myself from the charger. I was hungry. Since I haven't eaten in 36 hours, I was close to starving. In front of me, on a plate on the floor was... was that a RAM stick?

Behind the window in the room, an organic must have noticed me move, as a voice came from the speakers, "charged up?"

I responded, "what is this? Why did you give me RAM? I actually have organs as well, I'm 40% organic. Anything besides this would be good."

"my mistake. I'll get you something else." The organic stepped away from the microphone and talked with the guards behind him. The guards stepped out of the room, and came back in after a while with a plate of 1lb of steak, with plastic utensils. When they brought it in, I thanked them as they placed it in front of me. One of the guards nodded as he went out. It took me a while to consume the steak, but it was better than a stick of RAM. While I was eating, I began to plan my escape. Earlier today, I overheard the guards talking about an exit to the facility, nearby of my containment unit. I would Hotwire the door of my cell, and then go for the exit. When I was watching the scientist, I noticed he took a break for lunch between 8am to 10am. Just the amount of time that I needed to go. From what I overheard the guards saying, the exit had a 3 foot thick wall of blast-proof material, with a reinforced security gate that could stop a car at full speed. I could hack the computer to get there, and I would potentially have to either subdue or kill any of the guards I find.

My escape will be through the night, quick and silent. For escape purposes, I would have to take the wallets of the guards that I have subdued to be able to buy items necessary for my survival.

This will all happen tomorrow, but for now, I plug myself into the charger, and shut down.

Collin runs through the woods, away from the orphanage. 'The forest feeds me better than the orphanage.' Collin though, as he continued. Eventually, he stopped outside of a grey wall. He recognised the logo on the wall, scp foundation. Whilst the staff in the orphanage were watching the tv, he had taken a look at it, and saw a new scp had recently been taken into the foundation. It had the body and head of a fox, but with cybernetic parts thrown in. The most unusual thing about it, was the head. It changed expressions for its emotions, and when they had attempted to remove it on live tv, they couldn't even make it move an inch. It had been given the class Euclid before it attacked and almost killed another of its kind. Then it was changed to keter.

"Commander, we still have not found the escape pod, despite our best efforts."

The new Lieutenant reported this to the commander by radio. The escape pod that had gone missing in the last 48 hours was still missing, and they had only found debris of a craft.

"What else have you found so far, in your pitiful search?"

"We have found a metal similar to the type of metal the spacecraft is made from."

"Track it it could be debris from the pod."

"Yes commander."

The Lieutenant shut off the radio.

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