Mine - II

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The continuation:

She leaned her head back and kissed me slowly a few times and connected our heads. I rubbed her sides and lifted her slowly from the counter and sat her on the island, where she sprawled on her back.

My hands came to her hip bone, palm flat on her and moved upwards, feeling her stomach, breasts to her collar bone.

I looked down where we were still connected, I was still inside her. I started moving so slowly like in a slow-motion scene. I looked up her face. She couldn't lift her head but she was biting her lower lips, her hand came up and rested beside her ear.

I thrusted into her sensually with no intensions on increasing the pace. I leaned forward on my arms and hovered over her holding the pace steadily.

Her eyes opened slowly and met mine. There was so much swimming through her eyes which made me wish to drown in them.

Her left palm came to my cheeks, resting there, eyes never leaving mine for a second. I kissed her palm slowly without breaking eye contact. I think I saw a small content smile on her face. Her palms then went to the side of my neck and started stroking there.

She exhaled deeply and closed her eyes to which I took the hint of her nearing her climax.

I dragged the stool near me with my feet and propped my right leg on it, taking her leg with mine to give us a more accessible position for her final climax of the night.

With my eyes never leaving her face and with no energy to form words, she nodded her head signalling me of her orgasm. I thrusted deep helping her finish her orgasm, shiver running down her body.

When it was over, I slowly pulled out of her. A tiny miniscule whimper escaped her mouth when the tip came out of her pulsing entrance. I bent down and ran my flat tongue on it, lapping her juices. She released a strangled moan.

I went to the cabinet and got a clean hand towel and came near her face and started whipping her sweat on her body for I know she has no energy to take a bath. I had drained her.

Her eyes opened ever so slowly and searched mine. I caught hers. Her eyes ran down, scaning my body till it landed on her strap-on. Another cute blush broke on her cheek causing her to close her eyes.

After whipping her body of sweat I went to the cabinet, letting her rest for a bit. I took a bowl from it. I reheated the food she had made and filled it in the bowl for us.

I took the bowl to the island and kept by her side and removed the strap-on and placed on the far side of the island. I went before her, between her legs and lifted her upper body towards me. She draped her hands around my neck clings to my body. I sat down on the stool and pulled the food bowl near us. I pushed on her torso so her back was resting against the island, hands still on my neck.

"Open your mouth" I said.

She didn't respond. "You have to eat something honey. You are drained" I said.

A small smile crept on her face. I don't know where it for the word of endearment I used, which is a first or for admitting that I had drained her.

She opened her mouth and I started feeding her slowly, giving her enough time to chew and swallow her food. After a few bites she opened her eyes complaining "you are not eating".

"I will, after I feed you" I said and took a spoonful to her mouth. She tilted her head back and I raised an eyebrow.

"We can eat together" she said motioning towards the spoon. So, I fed us both.

After she said she was done and there was little food left in the bowl, I completed it. When I looked up after the last spoon, she was looking endearingly at me. I smiled and complimented the food. She let out a dry chuckle due to her tiredness and draped her hands around my neck, clinging to me.

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