Chapter Three: Handshake.

Start from the beginning

"Nice to meet you." he drawled, his voice deep and thickly accented. "Er...Happy Birthday!"

Darcie shivered involuntarily at the smooth sound of his voice and felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Tito felt her tremble beside him and laughed again. Clutching her closer still to his side, he made a playful shooing motion towards the man and grimaced at him. "Mind yourself, Baz." he warned, though his tone was mischievous.  "You're scaring everyone..."

The blonde girl, who had so far remained silent since their approach, chuckled tauntingly. "Démissionner, Beta Seb."  she teased, in what Darcie thought she recognised as French. "Garde ton calme et continue." 

Tito rolled his eyes and sighed. Apparently unable to control the grin which was stretching his mouth, he inclined his head towards the girl. "This is Laela." he said, by way of an introduction, and the girl offered up a perfect smile which didn't quite reach her eyes. "And this." he made the shooing gesture towards the man once again before turning to Darcie and winking at her "Is Bash."

"What a funny name!" Darcie blurted drunkenly before she could stop herself. "Is it short for something?"  Tito blinked at her for a moment before exchanging an amused look with his cousin. Darcie watched them smirk at once another,  and at once she cursed her-self, feeling her cheeks beginning to redden in embarrassment. 

Bash surveyed her with an amused glint in his grey eyes before inclining his head and extending a hand for her to shake.

"Sebastian." he greeted, in his wonderfully rich, dark accent. "A pleasure..."

Darcie smiled awkwardly. Heart leaping nervously in her chest, she wiped her sweaty palm on her thigh before sliding it limply into his hand and allowing him to shake it. His grip was firm and assertive, and all at once her fingers began to tingle beneath the pressure.She gasped, chuckled and withdrew her hand apologetically.

"Sorry." she burbled drunkenly, clenching and unclenching her fist in a vain attempt to ease the prickling. "Pins and Needles!"

Sebastian lowered his own hand and surveyed her fussing with a slight frown. There was an awkward pause, during which everyone watched her wringing her hands,  before he suddenly reached out and seized them once again. His manner was suddenly rigid, his expression unreadable, and in her drunk state Darcie wondered if she'd offended him by puling away.

"It works better if someone else does it." he remarked falteringly, massaging her clammy fingers within his own. "See?"

Darcie blushed, nodded distractedly and once again tugged her hand away. Truthfully, In spite of his efforts, her fingers were tingling more than ever. He frowned at her again.

 All at once feeling rather light-headed, she leant heavily against Tito who's arm was still draped about her waist. He eyed her shrewdly.

"Alright, Darce?" he probed lightly in a sagacious tone, his eyes flicking from Laela to Sebastian and then back again. "Do you need some water?"

Darcie shook her head and made to move away again, but Sebastian held out a hand to stop her, his expression blank.

"How about we sit down?" he suggested, ignoring Tito's questioning gaze as he drew her away from him. "I wont bite, I promise."

Without waiting for a response, he placed a hand upon the small of her back and began to steer her down the alleyway in the direction of the main street. Sparks seemed to erupt beneath his touch and Darcie fought the sudden urge to moan. She was torn between fear and intrigue; his rough appearance and the power he seemed to quietly emanate both repelling and attracting her. And he smelt so good.  Her cheeks reddened again at this last realisation and she suddenly felt very giddy.

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