chapter 16: ari

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chapter 16


       "Are you sure you're fine with me going?" I ask. "I can stay home if you want."

       Atlas shakes his head before he covers his mouth with his arm to cough. "No, no. You souls go. It's how you make your money, anyways."

       "I can miss one day."

       Atlas sighs. "Ari, you don't have to stay behind from the street racing just because I'm sick. I'll be fine on my own."

       It could be because I feel overprotective of Atlas, but I don't like leaving him home alone whenever he's sick, even if it's just with a simple cold. It's not like I don't think he won't be able to do anything without me there. I just don't like leaving him, simple like that.

       "Right, right," I say. "Sorry. Just... If you do need me for something, just call or text me. I'll leave early."

       "I will," Atlas says. I go over to where he's lying on the bed and lean down to kiss him, but he places his hand on my chest to stop me. "No kissing when I'm sick."

       "Huh? That's just pure torture."

       "You'll survive."

       "No, I don't think I will."

       "You're going to be late if you don't leave soon."

       "Fine." I quickly lean down and kiss Atlas's forehead, then leave the bedroom before Atlas can get mad at me for kissing him. Technically, he only doesn't want me to kiss his lips or cheeks when he's sick, so his forehead should be fine.

       I still don't want to leave Atlas when he's sick, but I just know he'll probably push me out of the apartment anyway. It's just going to be for a few hours. I'll survive without Atlas. Probably.

       The moment I get to the race track, Callan walks over to me. "Wow, I'm surprised to see that you're not here with your other half."

       I sigh. "He's sick. I wanted to stay home with him, but he wouldn't let me."

       Callan pats my back. "You, my friend, are a massive simp for him. You would probably buy him a private island for him if you could."

       "Hmm... That actually sounds like a good idea."

       Callan stares at me. "You can't be serious. Actually, scratch that. Of course you are." Callan can't blame me. If he was dating someone as cute as Atlas, he would also want to buy them everything.

       I only have one race scheduled for today unless someone challenges me to the race, so Callan and I spent our time watching the races before mine. Shortly after one race begins, I look around and spot someone quite familiar. "No fucking way," I say.

       Callan furrows his eyebrows. "What's up?"

       "Atlas's brother is here," I say. "He's always acting high and mighty, thinking that he's the perfect son and is constantly rubbing it in Atlas's face whenever he has the chance. Yet he's here, somewhere that's not exactly... legal."

       "You going to approach him?" Callan asks.

       "Hell yeah I am. Atlas doesn't want me to get back at his brother for anything he's done, but at least I can get in his head."

       Callan chuckles. "Have fun."

       I walk over to Hermes, who's talking to a girl I assume is his girlfriend. He doesn't notice me, so I lean against a pole nearby before saying, "Well, it's surprising to see you here."

       Hermes turns to look at me, his eyes widening. "What the hell are you doing here?"

       "Oh, come on, don't tell me you're actually shocked to see me here," I say. "Street racing is definitely right up my alley. You, on the other hand, seem like you would avoid events like this. After all, you are just a perfect person who can do no wrong."

       The girl with Hermes furrows her eyebrows. "Hermes, do you know this guy?"

       "Unfortunately, yes," Hermes says.

       I place my hand over my heart. "Awe, I'm touched."

       Hermes ignores me and looks at the girl as he says, "He's my brother's boyfriend."

       "Oh. Him." There's a bit of distaste in the girl's voice.

       "Hermes, you talk about me?" I ask. "I'm touched. Do your parents even know you're here?"

       Hermes snorts. "I'm an adult, Ari. I don't have to tell them every single place I go to."

       "Oh, I know. I'm just surprised to see you here because this isn't exactly a legal place to be in. After all, you always brag about how much of a good person you are and how you're a better son than Atlas. And you're right. I'm sure your parents would be so proud to see you here."

       Hermes glares at me. "You better not tell them I'm here."

       "Now why would I do that?" I wink at Hermes before I walk back to Callan. Of course, I'm not actually going to tell his parents that their favourite and oh-so perfect son is at a street race. For starters, it's not my business. As much as I would love to get back at Hermes, Atlas won't let me. Besides, telling his parents would mean having to talk to his parents, and I would rather not do that.

       I just want Hermes to think I'll tell his parents to watch him squirm and be uneasy.

       It's almost time for my race, so I head to the trailer that's set up for me to get ready in. One of the many privileges of being the top racer and organizer's favourite.

       Once my racing suit is on, I grab my helmet and once again, head back to Callan. "I'm surprised you haven't gotten any challengers today," he says.

       "I'm not," I say. "Everyone except for newbies are too afraid to race against me, and I totally understand why."

       "Be careful not to let your ego inflate."

       "I would never."

       I don't think anyone can blame me for having a big ego when it comes to street racing since I haven't lost once in two years, and today isn't any different. I reach the finish line before my opponent, though he isn't too far behind. My opponent, thankfully, is one that doesn't get mad whenever he loses. He shakes me hand and tells me, "That was great."

       Most racers here are like that, actually. It's just the ones that have a lot riding on them that get mad when they lose.

       As I take off my helmet, I hear Hermes angrily say, "Ari!"

       I turn to look at him. "What now?"

       Hermes walks over to me and points his finger into my chest. "You just made me lose a lot of money."

       "How on earth did I cause you to...?" I begin, but I cut myself off once I realize why. "Wait. Don't tell me you bet against me."

       "Of course I bet against you," Hermes says.

       "Then that's your mistake, not mine," I say. "I'll let you in on a little secret since this is the first time you're here. Most people would look at the racers' previous track records before betting, and if you had done that, you would have realized it would have been very dumb to bet against me. I haven't lost a race in two years. You only bet against me because you're homophobic and can't stand the idea that your brother is happily dating another man. That's your fault. Not mine."

       "I really can't stand you," Hermes spat.

       I roll my eyes. "The feeling is mutual."


hehehe hermes basically lost money for being homophobic. that's what he gets lol.

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