chapter 13: atlas

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chapter 13


       Because Marius already has to commute for quite a bit of time every time he has class on campus, Ari thought he and I could make the trip to meet up with Marius in his town so Marius wouldn't have to spend yet another day making the commute. I don't mind. It will nice to get out of the city for a bit and go for a drive with Ari.

       The town Marius lives in, Port Orthos, is a port town so it's right by the ocean. There's a very nice beach there that I might want to check out with Ari after we're done meeting with Marius.

       Marius told us to meet him at a cafe, which has a very rustic and cozy vibe to it. I wish there was one like this back in the city but all there is close to my and Ari's apartment is franchised cafes.

       Marius is already sitting at one of the tables when Ari and I get there, so we sit down with him. "Thanks for wanting to meet me here," Marius says. "It can get to be quite a hassle having to make the commute every time I want to go to campus."

       "It's no problem," Ari says. "Atlas and I live close to campus so we don't mind making the trip out here. Besides, the town seems nice. A big change from the city, but a good change."

       "Yeah, it's been different since I've lived in the city my whole life," Marius says. "But I don't regret moving here at all. Do you two want something to eat or drink? This cafe has the best food and drinks ever."

       "I'll go grab something for me and Atlas," Ari says, getting up from the table and walking to the front counter. Ari knows me well enough to know what I would like without me telling him, so I don't even have to look at the menu to see what I want.

       Ari soon returns without the food and drinks, telling me that they will be delivered to us when they're ready. That way, Ari doesn't have to stand there and wait for the drinks to be made.

       While we're waiting, we get to work on the project. While a lot of it will actually be us doing our own part, it's good to be on the same page when we start so the project will be cohesive.

       As we're bouncing off some ideas, a man walks over and sets down the food and drinks Ari got us; a club sandwich for each of us, a mocha for me, and a latte for Ari. "Here you go," the man says.

       "Thank you," Ari says.

       The man smiles. "No problem. Enjoy." Before he walks off, he looks at Marius and asks, "We still on for the sanctuary when you're done?"

       Marius smiles at him. "Yeah, of course. I'll let you know when I'm done." The man smiles back before walking off, and if those smiles mean anything, it's definitely smiles of complete and utter love.

       Ari must have noticed it too because he asks, "Is that your boyfriend?"

       "Yeah, his name is Fawn," Marius says. "Why?"

       "Because I'm homophobic," Ari says.

        "Ari!" I say, completely shocked at the lie Ari decided to tell for absolutely no reason at all if not to bug Marius. I look at Marius who looks both confused and a tiny bit worried. "He's lying. He's not... He's not homophobic."

       "You don't know me," Ari says.

       "I'm... I'm literally your boyfriend," I say. "We've been together for two year. You're definitely not homophobic." I look at Marius again. "Ignore him. He likes to try to get a rise out of people for absolutely no reason at all. Just this morning, he texted his friend and said that he hopes he steps on a lego."

       "Why?" Marius asks.

       Ari shrugs. "Dunno. Just felt like it."

       The three of us continue to work on the project. It doesn't take too long for us to get to a part where we think we could end the meeting for the day. We just have to make sure we know we're each supposed to do for the project, and we promised to keep in touch to make sure we're all keeping up with our parts. I don't know Marius too well quite yet, but he does seem like a person that keeps his work about his part of the project and does what he is promised. I'm glad Ari was able to find someone who will take it seriously and not let us do all the work.

       Now that we're done with our discussion, Marius goes off to find his boyfriend, and Ari and I decide to spend some time around the town. We're both free for the rest of the day so we're not in any hurry to make it back home.

       I did tell Ari that I want to walk on the beach for a bit, so that's where we go. Being early February, not too many people are on the beach right now. The only ones that are on the beach are walking on the sand like me and Ari.

       I've gained a lot more confidence about being out and open in my relationship with Ari, so the two of us hold hands as we walk down the beach. "I like it here," I say. "It's nice and peaceful."

       "Yeah, it is," Ari says. "And Marius was right. The food and drinks at the cafe were the best. We can always come here whenever we need a little break from life. Spend time at the beach, check out the stores, get some dinner."

       "That sounds nice. I think we need to get out more. I'm tired of lounging around on the couch and contemplating dropping out of university."

       Ari stops in his tracks and stands in front of me, holding onto both of my hands. "Then I promise to start taking you out a lot more whenever we have to free time."

       I smile. "That sounds great."

       Ari smiles back as he presses his lips on mine.


i wish i lived in port orthos but alas, it's a fictional town :(

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