chapter 6: ari

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chapter 6


       Seeing as our university's main art studio is quite a large room, quite a few students use it, and not just art students. The main art studio is one that doesn't have classes in it. It's more of a resource for students to use if they don't have the space to work on their assignments at their home or dorm.

       A lot of architect students use the art studio as well since a lot of their assignments have to do with drawing and drafting. It's the perfect place for them if they can't find an empty classroom to use.

       So Atlas and I take the opportunity to work on our assignments together in the main art studio since we both just finished our classes of the day and we're too lazy to head home right now. Atlas said he would just be tempted to nap as soon as we get home, so it's the best for him to at least get started on his assignment on campus.

      Atlas leans over towards me to look at the painting I'm working on. He smiles softly as he says, "That's really good, Ari."

       I smile back at him. "Thanks. The prompt is something that inspires us."

       "Awe," Atlas says. "That's sweet."

       "You understand what I'm getting at with the painting?"

       Atlas smiles a bit wider. "Of course I do. And I feel honoured to be an inspiration for you."

       "Oh, trust me, you are a huge inspiration."

       "I mean, I kind of guessed that considering all the times you ask me if you could paint me naked."

       "Please let me paint you naked."

       Atlas ignores me and gets back to work on his project. One day. One day, my boyfriend will grace me with the honour of letting me paint him naked but until then, I'm satisfied with just painting him. But again, I never use those paintings for school assignments. If anything, I'll just used them as a way to get out of a block if I ever have one.

       Someone suddenly sits down on the other side of me, so I look over to see Orville. He hands me a small piece of paper. I furrow my eyebrows and ask, "What's this?"

       "Someone in one of our classes saw the two of us talking while working on our paintings and thought we were close enough," Orville says. "She wants me to give you her number."

       "I'm good."

       Orville sighs heavily. "Dude, come on. How many numbers are you going to decline? You're, like, the man everyone wants. Do you seriously not understand how many people want a chance with you?"

       "I don't really care." I want to look at Atlas to make sure he's okay during the conversation, but I also need to try my best to make sure there isn't any sort of indication that Atlas and I are dating. I don't want to disrespect his wishes to stay lowkey at school when he's not ready to be completely out.

       "I don't understand you at all," Orville says. 

       "You don't need to understand me," I say. "Just know that I really don't care about getting anyone's number. I don't need them. I'm not really looking for a relationship right now, so there's no point of accepting phone numbers when they want something more."

       Orville stares at me for a bit before he crumples up the piece of paper. "Just know that you're going to make someone feel very disappointed that you're not accepting the number."

       "Are you talking about yourself."

       "Yes, and no. The girl is going to be disappointed, but just know that I am equally disappointed in you."

       "Oh, no. You're disappointed in me? How will I ever live with myself knowing that you're disappointed in me because I won't accept any phone numbers? This is going to haunt me forever. I'm going to be awake at night, contemplating my life, wondering whatever I could do to satisfy Orville."

       Orville glares at me. "I don't like your sarcasm."

       "You can add that to the list of things you don't like about me."

       Orville laughs mockingly before he stands up. "Well, I guess I'll just leave you alone to work on your painting. Which I still don't understand."

       "Yeah, you clearly don't understand a lot about me," I say.

       Orville pats my shoulder and leaves the art studio. Even though there are other people in hear, none is close enough to hear any conversations between me and Atlas, so I look at Atlas and say, "You okay hearing... all that?"

       "Yeah," Atlas says. "I'm used to it. I've had some classmates ask me if I could give them your number."

       "Oh. Sorry."

      Atlas snorts a laugh and smiles at me. "Sorry for being so attractive that basically everyone is in love with you?"

       "Uh... Yes?"

       Atlas shakes his head. "Really, it's fine. Surprisingly, I don't get jealous at all. Because I trust you. You're turning down the numbers, and that's all that matters. Besides, it was my decision to keep our relationship a secret at school, so I'm going to have to deal with it. It's fine."

       "You know, I can always lie and say I have a girlfriend to get people to stop," I say.

       "Nah, I don't think that will really work," Atlas say. "Or be the best in the long run. Some people might ask questions about your 'girlfriend', like what's her name, what does she look like, how long you two have been together. Some people get very invested in other people's relationships, for some reason. It really is fine. Annoying, sure, but that's it."

      I smile assuringly at Atlas before I go back to my painting. I really want to give him a kiss, but it's not the best to do it since there are people in the room. Even if there weren't, I still wouldn't kiss him since I never know if someone is going to walk by at the moment and see it.

       I'll just have to kiss Atlas senselessly when we get home, which will definitely be worth it.


(i'm one of the people asking for ari's number lol)

anyway if any of you have also read my book home (it's where you are), i'm wanting to write a crossover between this book and that one eventually. i think marius, fawn, atlas, and ari will get along great lol.

i really like writing crossovers and i haven't written one since halloween last year.


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