Reunion's Echoes

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The warm Indian sun casts long shadows over the bustling streets of Goa as I step out the taxi. My heart races with a mixture of excitement and nostalgia. It's been ten years since I last saw my high school friends, and now we're all reuniting in the place we once called home. My black hair dances in the gentle breeze as I make my way to the luxurious resort where the reunion is taking place.

Later in the evening, the resort's courtyard is alive with the sound of laughter and cheerful chatter. I stand by the bar, a glass of wine in hand, as I scan the crowd for familiar faces. Among them, I spot Archer Hayes, his dark brown hair tousled by the wind. Our eyes meet, and for a moment, time seems to stand still.

Archer walks over, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "Cleo Bennett, as I live and breathe. You haven't changed a bit."

I chuckle, my heart fluttering at the sound of his British accent. "Archer Hayes, still the smooth talker, I see."

As the evening unfolds, I find myself drawn into conversations with old friends. Archer reappears at intervals, our exchanges growing more frequent, the familiarity between us undeniable. We share stories of our lives since high school, our voices filled with laughter and a hint of wistfulness.

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