"If there is anyone who would like to say a few words before we say goodbye to Onix, and give him back to the sea, you may step forward."

A few men I didn't recognize stepped forward and told stories of their time with Onix and the good things he did. They spoke of how he worked hard and listened well, always being the one to make someone laugh. I saw a few of them wipe tears away, as quickly as they could, and I finally let the tears fall freely.

I felt an arm go around my shoulder and turned to see Dyson. I shook my head, and took a few steps closer to the front, not wanting to talk to him, especially in that moment.

When the last man had begun his speech and there was no one else waiting in the small line that had formed, I felt my feet begin to carry me over to that spot. I knew I had to say something before his body would be lost at sea forever.

When the man finished his speech, I walked up to stand at Onix's head, where all the others had before me. I took a deep breath, calming myself down, trying to ignore the overwhelming desire to cry.

"Many of you may not know me, and I didn't know Onix before yesterday either. He saved my life. Twice. Once when we were fighting the Cthulhu, and once when he jumped in front of a bullet that was meant for me.

"I didn't know him, but I could tell he was a man of great honor and kindness, seeking to help others above all else. I tried to save his life, but I failed. I could not repay the debt and let him see the stars just one more time. His one wish. I doubted he ever asked for anything, and the one time he did, I could not help him; I could not save him.

I choked up as I felt more tears running freely down my cheeks. I looked over all the men, at the sun that was getting closer and closer to diving into the sea and disappearing for the night.

"I'm sorry that I caused you to lose a friend, a brother, and a son. I wish it had been me that is going to be thrown into the ocean, forever at peace.

"I just want you all to know that he died the way he wanted to. He died making his mother and father proud, by saving a life. I can never repay him, and he will be remembered forever. Thank you," I whispered the last two words and slowly made my way back to my place in the crowd.

I finally looked at the other men, who I could barely refer to as pirates, and saw tears running down most of their faces. I caught Adonis's face in the crowd and saw him wiping away a tear, and then Dyson, who had tears streaming down his face.

Adonis slowly made his way to the front, letting the silence hang in the air as we all remembered Onix.

"Thank you to all who spoke. We now are going to say goodbye to him, returning him to the earth and letting him rest in peace." He leaned down over Onix's body. "And fair winds to you, Onix Chavali." I imagined fair winds meant goodbye and good luck in the next life.

"Fair winds to you," the rest of the men murmured. With that Adonis, Walter, and two older men stepped forward and lifted Onix's body off the ground. They slowly let him slide off the stretcher that he had been lying on, and he fell into the calm sea, slowly sinking out of sight as the sun's last light dipped beneath the waves.

Adonis said a few words about Gordon and the same routine happened again, but I couldn't pay attention. All my thoughts were focused on Onix.

When Gordon's body was returned to the sea, the men dispersed, a few returning to their posts working the sails, but most to their quarters, needing some time alone. I followed their lead and returned to my room, feeling sadder than I ever had. At least with Sapphire I hadn't had to say goodbye in front of everyone, and I knew her death wasn't my fault.

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