Chapter One: Thor and his terrible sense of Time

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"Thor!" I shouted as I slammed the door to my room, pretending to be angry, "I hate you!" I always knew how to get my brother's attention. After all, he was my older brother.

I didn't actually hate Thor, of course. I loved him with my whole heart. He was one of my best friends. I hated the people who saw me as nothing. As the powerless princess. No one will admit to saying that I am nothing to my face, but I've heard the unsaid whispers. I can tell what people think of me. She has no powers. Loki knows dark magic. Thor controls the thunder. Odin is the all father of Asgard. Frigga grew up with witches and can sense magic. And what does the daughter of Odin have? Nothing. I know that I was supposed to have my powers when I was born, but I was born without them. It was as if... they were lost.

I sat down on my bed and then waited for Thor's reaction, closing my eyes. When I heard a jingling whoosh at the window, I opened my icy blue eyes and looked as someone appeared, sitting on the balcony. But it wasn't Thor.

"What is it now, dear sister?" Loki raised a dark eyebrow, the same color as his long, raven colored hair. "Thor's somewhere else with Sif and the others. I'm afraid you can scream as much as you want about how you hate him, but he will not come."

"Oh." I suddenly felt embarrassed, "I was testing how much he cared about me." I murmured, brushing back a lock of sunset colored hair, "I guess not much, huh?"

"... I wouldn't say he doesn't care." Loki muttered finally, "He's just busy with other things, I suppose..."

"Like hanging out with his friends instead of with his younger brother and sister." I sighed, "I get it, Loki. He's ten years older than me. No wonder there's so much difference between us."

"Well..." Loki sat down next to me on my bed, "We have a big age gap too, you know. Six years, yet we still hang out with each other often. We get along quite swell, you know?"

"Hmph." I put my elbow on my knee and looked over at Loki, smiling, "No. I don't suppose we have much difference, don't we?"

Loki smirked at me, "Perhaps we do, Astrid. Perhaps we do."

Suddenly, Thor burst into the room and he glanced around frantically, Mjolnir in his hand, his eyes blazing with blue thunder, "What is it?! Astrid, are you alright?!"

Loki raised an eyebrow, "Oh. I suppose he can show up on time, sister."

I pushed myself off the bed and Thor glanced over at me, his eyes losing their powerful glow. I glanced down at the ground and then whispered, "Hi, Thor."

"Astrid. Are you alright?" Thor dropped Mjolnir on the ground with a heavy thunk and sent a shockwave through my room, making Loki jolt on the bed with a grimace of annoyance, "Are you hurt? Show me your arms!" Thor demanded and I jerked back, touched by his protectiveness but slightly irritated that he kept spinning me around.

"I'm fine, Thor. I was just..." I looked over at Loki for help but my brother shook his head. I pouted at him before turning back to Thor with a normal face, "I was just testing how much you cared about me."

Thor blinked. And then blinked again. I looked down sheepishly again and Thor looked over at Loki, "Were you part of this?"

"No. It was all Astrid." Loki grinned, "It was quite the prank, dear sister. The God of Mischief approves."

"Thank you?" I said before turning back to Thor, who looked a bit shocked, to be honest, rather than angry. I fidgeted with the hem of my sky blue dress and whispered, "I'm sorry. I'm sure you have much more important things to do than deal with me."

"You were... testing me?" Thor finally asked.

"In a sense." I said, "You can just go back and hang out with your friends. Asgard needs you, right? Your friends need you." I sat down next to Loki again, "I suppose that my need for you can wait."

Thor brushed back a strand of golden, silky hair and he sat down next to me, the bed frame creaking with so many people sitting on it at once, "Astrid... Is there something that we should talk about? Are you okay?"

Loki glanced at me, concerned as well. His luminescent green eyes pierced into mine and I shook my head.

"I... I'm scared." I whispered.

"Of what, Astrid?" Thor asked softly, seemingly not mad about whatever I had pulled him away from whatever he was doing before.

"... It's honestly nothing." I brushed my hair back, "You guys shouldn't have to worry about me like this constantly. It's nothing." I was about to get up, but Loki grabbed my wrist, his eyebrows raised.

"If you're scared, Astrid, you should know that we're here for you." Loki whispered, "You're our little sister, the baby of the family. All babies need to be taken care of, right?"

I shoved Loki's shoulder, "I'm fifteen years old this year, brother dear."

"Okay, but all jokes aside." Thor glanced at Loki, "Keep quiet, God of Mischief." Loki offered an innocent glance, but he kept his mouth shut. "What are you scared of, Astrid?"

"You know what I'm scared of, brothers." I whispered. "What's my biggest fear?"

"Oh." Realization dawned on both my brother's faces.

"I knew you two weren't stupid." I whispered softly, even though tears had started to form in my eyes. Stupid. Stop crying, Astrid. It's not a big deal. You deal with this every single day.

"Astrid, you know that people will judge you for who you are." Thor whispered, rubbing my back, "What you can do is just relax. Don't let the things people say about you define who you are."

I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow, "Since when did you become a philosopher?"

"Oh, come on." Thor picked up Mjolnir instead of doing his weird little thing with it (making it come to his palm with his mind), thankfully, "I don't want to ever grow up to be a philosopher, no way."

"Damn." Loki shook his head, "What an insult to the philosophers of Asgard."

"Whatever." Thor started swinging his hammer and then looked back at us, "But remember what I said, Astrid." And then he was out the window.

"I should probably go." Loki looked over at me, brushing back his black hair, "There's some things I need to take care of."

"Like what?" I asked and Loki shook his head.

"Just royal things. No need to worry yourself over it, sister." He patted the top of my head and I smirked at him.

"Get your hand off my head before I slam you to the ground." I threatened playfully and Loki backed off with his hands raised in the air to indicate mock surrender.

"Alright, alright. I'm gonna go. See you later, Ass-trid." Loki grinned.

"Will you and Thor never let this go?" I growled, "As soon as you two learned swear words, that's the nickname you gave me?"

"But of course." Loki bowed mockingly, a smirk on his face, "You deserve the best of nicknames."

"I hate you two sometimes." I laughed.

Loki turned around to face me with a smile, and then he was gone, too.

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