on days like these

201 12 8

i want you to like me
the way i liked you
i want you to know me
the way i did
i want you to acknowledge
every words of my poetry
the way i wrote it
the way i felt it
i want you to look at me
with adoration in your eyes
and with an unknown smile
you always hide

i beg you
cry for me
the way i did
show me your diary
with my names on the pages written on it
share the miseries
i can't take it
take me to the mountains
i built it with fountains
your names on it
it whispers all the hidden details
all the secrets
you  kept  for me

show all the voice messages
all the love poems
all the smallest nicknames
you made for me

show me how you wrote our history
where are the pages you kept
and the ones you threw and ripped

look at me with those eyes
you don't need to tell me
i will understand each and very one of your voice

show me the river
you made with tears

i won't be you
i will recognise the soul
i will cure your heart
i will show you love

replace our heart
swipe the world
be the one
be me
on days like these
i found you happy

𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇. poetryWhere stories live. Discover now