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that day i met a stranger
i wish i befriended her
for this could bloom a new friendship
for her i could see again
and maybe we could hangout some other day
if only i asked her number
maybe my loneliness would fade
maybe a new world would await
so i think about her to this day
i can't even recall her face
perhaps we would go well
if only she were my friend
what if my life changed
we could become family friends
she would tell me jokes once we made
we would create memories
now that lives in my head
i would go see her once in a decade
in another city, in another town
we'll be friends but not now,
once in a lifetime
but atleast we met
so today i saw a stranger
and it reminded me of her
in the crowds of exchanging friendship bracelets

eleven eleven. poetryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें