Chapter 1

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I wake up in a small box with no memory of how i got there. I look around wondering where i am, then it hits me. I have no memory at all.

I try and grasp onto anything that is near me to try and stand up, not realising that that probably isnt a really good idea because i fall back down only seconds later.

This box has been going up for at least five minutes now and like any normal human i start to panic.


Its been around half an hour at this point and im really freaking out now. I try to stand up again since the box has started to go up slower, and i smack my hand on the top of this box, cage thing, shouting for help.

What the fuck am i doing? If theres people up there they probably put me here, why am i shouting for help. So instead i sit back down, then my foot hits a box and i could hear something clang inside. I would only assume that there is something metal in there and maybe whenever this weird contraption stops i can use something from inside the box to defend myself.

I try to pry the box open with my hands but it doesn't work so i start kicking it, and thankfully enough, i make a hole big enough to fit my arm through.

I put my arm inside and pick something up. I try to pull it out but wont budge. So i take my arm back out and start kicking the box again, until the hole is bigger. Then i put my arm back inside and pull out a large knife.

Literally like as soon as i get the knife out of the box a red light flashes and i hear some weird buzzing noise. Then i hear some voices, and if i wasn't freaking out before, i sure am now.

The top of the box starts to open and i am blinded by the light. Then i feel the box jolt. As soon as my eyes adjust to the light, i look up and i am faced with a boy with sandy blonde hair and amber eyes. He is looking down at me as if he has just seen a ghost and i hear some other people mumbling things but my focus is on the boy in front of me.

Then he looks up at the other people and says "its a girl" and then he walks towards me a little too quickly for my liking so i put the knife up near his face. "Woah there greenie, its okay im not gonna hurt you" he says, trying to calm me down.

I dont know how to feel about this, i just know im scared and dont trust this guy to keep his word but i stand up confidently, trying not to seem weak. And reply "how do i know your not lying" he backs up a little as he says "i guess your gonna just have to trust me on that, but i will explain everything as soon as we are out of this box, i promise"

i still dont trust him so i turn and step onto one of the boxes. Then i push myself up onto the grass and stand up with the knife still in my hand. I look at all of the people standing around the box i just climbed out of, then i just sprint.

I dont know where im going but i do not trust these people, so i just keep running as i hear someone shout "shes running for the deadheads" what the hell is a 'deadheads'.

I can hear like three people running behind me but i just keep going until i finally have an idea, and I run to the first tree i see. I climb up it until i find a stable branch that could hold me.

I silently sit and try to remember something. My days, i dont even know my own name. What idiot doesnt know their own name.

Me. I guess im that idiot.

Im sitting here thinking about everything and then i hear something. Or maybe someone, then i remember i still have that knife.

So as soon as they get up onto the branch in front of me i stick the knife out at them not knowing what else to do.

Despite me having a knife pointed at him he still calmly sits on the branch.

"What do you want" i say, not really wanting to talk to him considering i do not know him. He stays calm, as if everything about this is fine and replies "i told you i would explain everything"

So thats the first chapter:) i had a lot of fun writing this.

I clearly didn't read this over very good the first time I hadn't realised how much of a mess my writing was.

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