"Thank you," I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

We walk toward the entrance of the venue, my heels crunching on the gravel. My heart is a mix of emotions—excitement, nostalgia, and a twinge of anxiety.

As we reach the garden where the ceremony will be held, I can't help but admire how picturesque it looks. White chairs are neatly aligned in rows, facing a floral arch that stands as the altar. The air smells like a blend of fresh roses and lilacs, a scent that pulls at my heartstrings, reminding me of simpler times.

Marx and I find our seats, coincidentally on the same row as my parents. I take a deep breath before sitting, acutely aware of the tension that's been building between my mom and me since our last argument. She notices me but offers only a nod, her expression as cold as ever.

My dad, on the other hand, stands up and gives me a warm hug, his eyes twinkling. "You look stunning, Em."

"Thank you, Dad," I say, my heart swelling with love for the man who has always been my rock.

"Who's your date? A new boyfriend?" he asks, nodding toward Marx.

I hesitate for a moment. "He's just a friend, Dad. Marx, this is my father, James. Dad, this is Marx."

"Pleasure to meet you, sir," Marx extends his hand, and my dad shakes it firmly.

"Likewise. You've got a strong grip there, son. You ever play any sports?"

"A bit of football in high school," Marx replies, his posture relaxed but respectful.

My dad nods approvingly, then turns his attention to the front as the ceremony is about to start. I sit down, and Marx takes the seat next to me. I feel his arm brush against mine, and those butterflies are back, fluttering around like they've got a secret they're dying to share.

As the wedding procession begins, I find my thoughts drifting back to the whirlwind of emotions I've been wrestling with. My brother and his soon-to-be wife exchange vows, sealing their promises with a kiss. Applause erupts around us, snapping me back to reality. I clap my hands, smiling genuinely for the first time in what feels like forever.

The ceremony concludes, and guests begin to stand, mingling and offering congratulations. My mom stands too, but not before shooting me another icy glance. I can't help but wonder what I've done to deserve such coldness from her.

"Emersyn, can we talk for a moment?" My dad's voice breaks through my thoughts.

"Sure, Dad."

He leads me a few steps away, far enough for some privacy but close enough to keep an eye on my mom. "I noticed your mom is still giving you the cold shoulder."

I sigh. "Yeah, it's been like that since our argument. I don't know how to fix it."

He puts his arm around me. "Sometimes, time is the only thing that can heal certain wounds. Just know that you've got one parent who's incredibly proud of you."

I feel tears forming in my eyes, grateful for his love but saddened by my mom's continued distance. "Thanks, Dad. That means the world to me."

My dad's warm words bring a much-needed sense of comfort, but my mom's icy presence looms like a storm cloud. The reception is in full swing, and I'm trying my best to be happy for my brother and his new wife. Marx and I are seated at a table with my parents. I should have known that we would be, but I was hoping for a small escape from my mother.

The beautiful garden estate is adorned with twinkling fairy lights, casting a soft glow on everyone. Tables are covered in white linen, with centerpieces made of roses and lilacs that match the arch from the ceremony. A soft jazz tune fills the air, but the music does little to lighten the heaviness in my heart.

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