Peaceful day

282 10 4

Incheon International Airport,the day after the battle

"Target lock on,Hawkeye 9,Gun 2,target hit,Hawkeye 11 downed"

"Dammit,I didn't see that coming"

Although being given two days rest in the city of Seoul,the 297th never bothered to consider it to be a vacation.Since the first day,they got up quite early in the morning to get flight exercise,four aircraft as two teams simulate flight and fight with each other,with Long Caster watching the match from the

Until now,Cipher and Pixy scored most,with Talisman coming right behind.The result was unexpected by the people who heard of the Ribbon-Strike's number of air-to-air kill,but not for the old pilots.

"Perhap I got too cocky,I should practice more"-Mobius descended her aircraft and landed,the sound of the burning fuel slowly disappeared,but the annoyed feeling of the pilot didn't go away,by far,her rank is at number 5.She jumped out of the fighter in furious and walked back to the hangar.

"You're still better than me,can't even aim that old man"-Trigger walks right behind her,he only has 4 splashes after five matches,lower than average.Pixy and Cipher really dive him like crazy,as their plane appears from any direction other than what Hawkeye 5 has predicted.

Furthermore,those movements achieved by the two are beyond their capability to keep up with,Trigger can't do anything but fire missiles and hope it can reach them,unlike Mobius who charged at them in furious and fired all her gun.Although being shot down first,in some occasion,she still managed to land a few hits on Cipher.

"Getting far from the enemy requires less turns as they move,but don't rely too much on it,our planes are stealth,lock can be disrupted easily"-Pixy pat his shoulder,he went away right after and jumped on the waiting Wyvern and rolled it on the field,ready to take off.

Trigger looks away,seeing Mobius right on his right,seem like she want to say something.

"What is it?"

"You will follow my command in the next battle"



"I won't be under the command of a person who flies into the enemy with no tactics other than fire and dodge"

"James,the risk when flying in close is really worth it,give it a try,Long Caster tell me there is only one flight left then we can rest.If it does not work then we can reconsider later,you and me against Larry and Henry,one more time"

"Fine,take off first,I shall come after"

The Three Strike get on his aircraft and roll it onto the runway.After the light goes on and the fighters get away far from the runway ,the Wyvern accelerates and ascends to the sky,coming close to the plane with blue ribbon.

On the opposite side,the "enemies" are already waiting for them,their noses point at the two incoming fighters.

"Trigger,can you hear me?"-the womanish voice got his attention to the radio

"Copy that."

"We must get closer,can't finish those two with missiles alone,if we fight we must have strategy,you go stealthy and fly low,I will draw their firepower,then you will shoot.Use that way,the chance to win is higher"

"Are you sure this will work?"

"I said that we might win by chance"

"Fine,we will do this your way"-Trigger fires two missiles at the enemies Wyverns,then he repositions the tails and wings on his aircraft and lowers the altitude,both charging the simulated EML and flying in parallel to each other,splitting further and further the otherside,Cipher and Pixy didn't do much but waiting for them to come.

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