Dilemma Solved

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Monty opened his eyes slowly to adjust to the afternoon light pouring in from the window. He sat up and went to check his phone for the time. It read '5:05PM.' Groaning, he stood up and opened up the map of the University again. 'I slept in longer than I planned, guess I still have a bit of time to check out the rest of campus,' He thought.

He made his way to the wardrobe and opened it to see new additions alongside his clothes there. Monty complained silently as he changed clothes into a red tank top and black shorts, as well as adding his spiky leather bracelets on each wrist. Throwing his now dirty clothes onto his bed, he'll figure out what to do with them later. He looked around his room, looking for his signature star shaped glasses but could not find them. This made him feel uneasy, he almost never went anywhere without them and now they weren't there. He paced up and down the small room thinking of where they could have been placed. Then he remembered, he didn't wear them this morning so they were probably in his bag. Monty quickly rummaged through his bag and found them in the deepest corner, letting out a sigh of relief once he did. He could have sworn he emptied his bag completely in the morning but guess he was too tired to remember them. Placing them on his head made him feel comfortable, more relaxed. Monty made his way to exit the dorm room and turned back looking at the empty bed next to his. The conversation with Moon came up in his mind, 'Just hang around him and see if he's trustworthy.' He shook his head, trying his best to rid his thoughts of that conversation. 'Music. I need music,' he thought as he grabbed his wired earphones off of his desk and plugged them. Normally, he would listen to any form of rock or something similar but decided to listen to Laufey. Hopefully her music would allow him to calm and forget.

First was the dining hall, it had multiple disconnected tables that were able to seat up to a max of 6, judging by how the chairs were set out. By the entrance was where you would buy your food, Even now people were in line to get an early dinner. The rooms walls were a nice white however embedded into the wall was a tube that wrapped around the whole dining hall. There were multiple of these tubes, some higher up and some lower down. Monty pondered on what they did but before he could begin guessing, the answer was clear. All of the tubes lighted up and emitted an orange that was reminiscent of the afternoon glow. This only made Monty question even more. The lights had been off just a second ago so where had the natural light been coming from? He examined the room only to realise that the ceiling was made of glass. There was also a couple of windows along the side that would allow you to see outside into the hallways. 'God damn, I knew this place was fancy but holy shit,' he thought to himself. Monty continued to look around but only noticed one thing that seemed out of place. There was a stage at the back. His only guess could be that students would be able to play their own music to the dining hall crowd. Once he finished admiring the dining hall, he looked down at his map and moved to his next destination.

Next was the library, Monty was not one for reading but he couldn't just ignore the place. It was surprisingly big, on the outside it didn't look to be big at all. Rows and rows of bookshelves containing a different variety of books could be seen, The shelves themselves were the same dark oak colour as his desk in the dorm room. This theme did not stop when it came to the tables and chairs as they were also dark oak. The only thing that wasn't dark oak was the lighting as they were gold lights hanging from the ceiling to illuminate the place. This pattern didn't go unnoticed by Monty as he thought 'Jeez what's with all this dark oak.' He found the library boring compared to the dining hall, he was way more into eating good food than reading a good book and so he progressed to the next place.

Then, there was the lecture hall. The lecture hall seemed to be a mix of both modern and old fashion styles as the long stretching tables were made of dark oak as well as the chairs but the walls also had the same type of lighting as the dining hall, tubes lined up in the walls that circled around the entire lecturing hall. At the very front of the room, there was a standard whiteboard and a digital one with a desk in front of both of them. Monty assumed this was where the lecturer would sit and explain to them what they had to do for work. He would then look up to the ceiling to see spotlights on either end of the room that pointed towards the desk. After closely observing, he realised that the front of the class could be used as a stage. 'That shit is so cool,' he thought.

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