Tank Fish: Space Wars (First Half)

Start from the beginning

- Why History Overlooks How Much the Japanese Actually Feared the Americans in WW2 (maybe to be accepted)

- AlternateHistoryHub (Election that Ruined Everything, History of Fallout)

- Climbing the ranks (War Thunder planes)

- Azur Lane: Royal Navy bombards Berlin as Celebration for New HMS Event

- The Greatest Naval Speedrun in History

- Azur Lane: America

- Joshdub: Storming Area 51

- Denarmo World of Warships (FDR, Shikishima, Audacious)

- USS Florida: World of Warships

- Main Battle Tanks (Maybe to be accepted)

- Systems Alliance Navy (Mass Effect; from Templin Institute)

New characters (you can request):

U-556 to be maybe added in Bismarck animarchy

The Character list was updated

Chapter starts:

Five minutes later from where the last chapter left off. The shipgirls are now meeting the newly invited ones

"Hi..." Prince of Wales says

"Wales, George, Howe" Duke of York says while bowing

"Stop with the formalities..." Howe says

"Why not?" Duke of York asks

"Just... nevermind" King George V says while sighing

"So Wales... I read a book in the library and..." Duke of York says

Prince of Wales tilts her head

"If I was in your place, we wouldn't have lost Hood" Duke of York says

"Ahahah... that's really funny. First, that only happens in alter-worlds. Second, I was not fully combat ready. Third... stuff happened" Prince of Wales says

"Yes, but it's still thy fault. You scurvy wench" Duke of York says

Prince of Wales is slowly getting triggered

"Says the one who doesn't even look like my sister and yet you are. You literally have an obsession with death and blood. I love you, I really do, but I think you're cursed by God considering you are a vampire" Prince of Wales says

"You forgot that I'm great at night battles... thanks to my echolocation..." Duke of York says

"You mean your radar? You're not a bat. And what do you by night battles?" Prince of Wales asks

"My... how should I put this... fighting with the sirens at night and my... night stand with Scharnhorst that one time" Duke of York says

Prince of Wales is silent

"You disgust me" Prince of Wales says

"Thank you" Duke of York says

Prince of Wales gets even more triggered

King George V and Howe are silent as they drink their tea

"Should we interfere..?" Howe asks

"No... let them figure it out... if one of them splits from the family... that's on them.." King George V replies

"But we will interfere if its needed right?" Howe asks again

King George V simply sips her tea

"Right?" Howe asks

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