12 - I Have To Go

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Third Person POV:

The two boys hung out in Will's room the rest of the day, Mike took a short nap when they got back and woke up extremely energized. Now it is midnight.

The ravenette was lying on his stomach on the bed while Will was on his side, both were under the covers. Mike was reading another book about human culture, since he explained to Will he needed to know more to fit in properly, which Will had just laughed at.

"Have you ever met any other magical creature?" Will asks, sounding groggy.

Mike looked up. "Like.. a fairy?" He responds. Will nods. "Yeah, I've met my fair share of fairies. Other things too. You would not believe how aggressive a fedela is when you accidentally wake them up." He shudders in fear.

"Uh huh.." Will hums, his eyes half-lidded. He was watching Mike's face.

"Are you about to fall asleep?" Mike asks, an amused smile on his face.

Will gives a tiny shake of the head. "No.. I wanna hear more about the creatures.." He mumbles, barely coherent enough to speak.

"I can tell you more about the fairies I met," Mike says. He sets the book down away from them and scoots closer to Will. The prince reached out and grabbed Mike, pulling him into a hug. "Oh- Hello," Mike says softly. Will hums in acknowledgement. "Well, when I met a fairy I was swimming into the....."

As Mike continued to speak about his adventures, Will dozed off, feeling warm and cuddly. Mike continued talking until he himself fell asleep, dozing off halfway through a sentence.


When Will woke up the next morning, he was completely content.

He had amazing dreams about magical creatures due to the stories Mike told him as he fell asleep, so when the sunlight hit his eyelids, he was slightly disappointed.

He sat up, and saw that Mike was asleep on the other side of the bed, sprawled out like usual.

"Mike," Will whispers, gently shaking the boy's shoulder. "Mike, hey, wake up."

The ravenette grumbled something unintelligible, before turning over and grumbling some more. Will's eyes widened when he realized that Mike's legs were strangely larger than they were yesterday, and then he saw a fin poking out.

"Mike," Will whispered urgently. "Your tail is showing."

Will shook Mike hard, which finally woke him up. "What? I'm up.." Mike mutters, sitting up.

"Your tail!" Will whispers. Mike's eyes shot open and he yelped, throwing off the covers to show his shining black tail, which looked almost dried out.

Mike winces. "Ow, fuck that hurts," He mumbles.

"It looks like it needs water," Will says. He stands up and rushes to the bathroom, grabbing a random bucket and filling it with water. He comes back and sets it on the floor.

"Help me off the bed," Mike said.

Will grabbed Mike and heaved him up before gently setting him on the floor. "Do you need help with the water?" Will asks.

"Um, sure, I can't reach the end," Mike says, and the two begin wetting down the tail. It took a few minutes, but soon it was nice and shiny. "I feel like this is an omen to tell me to go back." Mike says, pursing his lips.

Will sighs. "Yeah, probably," He says.

Mike closed his eyes and transformed back into a human, his gills disappeared, his scales shrunk before fading.

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