8 - Humans Cannot Be Trusted

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Third Person POV:

Karen swims over to Lucas and Max. Have either of you seen Mike lately? I can't find him. She says worriedly.

No, but we'll look for him. Max says.

Karen smiles, before turning and swimming back to Nancy. Lucas and Max exchange a glance. You don't think he went back, do you? Lucas question.

Max's face hardens. That's exactly what I think. She says. Let's go.

The two swim off, and arrive at the river entrance. Do you think he's talking to that human? Lucas questions, turning to Max with a concerned look. Maybe he's just collecting coral like he likes to do.

Max frowns. No, he's not, his mom would've found him. She says. Wait.. She smells the water and her eyes widen. Blood.

Lucas's eyes widen in fear, and he follows Max as she swims toward the scent of blood.

She looks down, and immediately darts to Mike, who she saw sleeping on the rock with the spear in his tail. A small trail of blood was leaking up in the water. Lucas dives down and sinks next to Mike.

Mike. Max says, shaking the boy's shoulder. Mike, wake up.

The ravenette's face pulled itself into a pained frown. No.. He whispers. Max and Lucas sigh in relief. Then Max looks at the spear still in Mike's tail.

We should pull that out. Lucas says. Do you have your potions?

Max nods, pulling out a small tube with a cork in it. Lucas grabs onto the spear, as Max floats down close to the wound to get ready. 3.. 2.. 1. Lucas says, before pulling the spear out, causing Mike to scream again, then Max uncorks the tube and lets it float through the water onto the wound.

Mike lets out another scream, and starts thrashing around. Lucas winces as he holds the boy down, and Max stares at the wound as it slowly closes up in front of her eyes.

It burns! IT BURNS! Mike screams. STOP IT!

The potion finishes and Mike's tail is good as new, making Max and Lucas sigh. Mike collapses in exhaustion.

This is a human weapon. Max says, grabbing the spear before it could float away. I knew he shouldn't have befriended one, it just ends in blood.

Mike's eyes open. Lucas and Max glare down at him as he floats upright.

Are you serious right now? Lucas says. We told you not to go up there but you did anyway! I can't believe this. He rubs the bridge of his nose. Mike glares at him.

I had to, the mersagas were about to kill him. Mike says.

Lucas looks back at him as Max stares in shock. You stopped them from eating a human? Max asks, half in shock. Mike nods.

We should get back to the reef, your mother's been searching for you. Lucas says, glancing up. And Murray's about to lead a class. I heard from Robin that it's really interesting today.

Mike rolls his eyes, twirling upward. Oh well, if Robin says so.. He says sarcastically.

C'mon, you idiots. Max says. But we're not done with this conversation, Mike.


Now, today we're going to take a special field trip. Murray says. If you would all follow me.

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