3 - Collide

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Third Person POV:

Mike stopped moving for a moment, letting his tail settle to the ground. He grabbed a shell on the ground and placed it in his bag. The bag was made of rope that Max gave him on his birthday, since she knew he loved collecting things.

The bag was already full of things from today's look. A very small strange golden thing that was flat and circular, a weird circle with numbers and two sticks inside, a three dimension square with different numbers on each side, and many others.

He placed another rock in his bag, before he swam back to where he was staying tonight. It was a very large whale skeleton that was resting on a shallower part of the sand.

Mom? Mike asked, swimming into it. He set his bag down by one of the ribs.

A different mermaid swam up to him. Where in the ocean have you been? The girl says. She was a few years older than Mike, with short curly hair and a bright red tail. It wasn't too different from Max's, but it was definitely brighter.

Hey Nancy. Mike says. Do you know where Mom is?

Nancy glared at him. She's out looking for you, you do realize you've been out dilly dallying for hours now, right? She asks, crossing her arms. Where were you?

Mike let out a nervous laugh. He did not, in fact, realize he had been out there for hours.

Micheal Wheeler! Mike froze when he heard his mother's voice in his head. Karen swims down next to Nancy, an angry expression on her face. Her dark peach tail swishes around in anger. Where have you been?? She exclaims. I have been searching everywhere for you!

I was just.. in the coral reef. Mike says, horribly lying. Well, yes he was in the reef, for a few moments.

Karen frowns. You need to tell me where you're going before you stay someplace for hours. She says. God, what if a mersaga found you? Or a human? Do you even think of the consequences of your silly adventures?

Mike glares at her. They're not silly! He snaps back.

Do not snap at me, young man. Karen says. I will not have that behavior.

Mike let out an annoyed groan and quickly swam off. Micheal! Come back here! Karen yelled, but the boy did not listen. He swam up and over to the land that he knew, and swam into the river that went deep into the forest.

They're not silly. Mike thought to himself. He saw a small pond and swam into it. Popping his head up, Mike saw that a bunch of bushes and large leaves concealer the area perfectly. There were reeds and lily pads in the water, and large ferns casting shadows over him.

Perfect. Mike sighed and rested against the rock behind him.


"You're Majesty," A guard said behind Will. "I think we're a little to far in the forest."

Will turned to look at him. "I wouldn't say so," He says. The two guards exchanged a look. "We're not that far, plus, you guys are plenty for my safety."

Little did the two guards know, Will was planning to leave them.

"I am still unsure of this," The second guard says. "Your mother said to not go past the willow tree. And that is behind us."

Will smiled. "I know, isn't it exciting?" He says, waiting a few moments. Then, he dashed to the left, causing both guards to yelp out his title and try to follow him. But Will was more agile, and he ducked under trees or slid into bushes.

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