Chapter 21

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As the second therapy session with Calliope gets underway, she opens with a warm smile, "Let's start with the assignment from our previous meeting. Were you both able to write and share your letters?"

You and Wanda share a quick glance before you respond with an enthusiastic, "Yeah, we did."

You both can't help but beam, a sense of accomplishment clearly reflected in your faces.

"That's great to hear," Calliope says warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Tell me about the experience. How did it feel to be so open with each other?"

You glance at Wanda, who gives a small nod to signal she'll take the lead. She inhales deeply, her gaze momentarily darting to you before returning to Calliope.

"It was, you know... really special. Romantic," Wanda confesses, a soft blush creeping onto her cheeks as she feels a bit silly, like a teenager raving about a crush. Her fingers absentmindedly twirl in loops on her knees. "I mean, it wasn't a promise or anything, but being able to understand just how deeply she cares for me... it made my heart feel full, in the best way."

Calliope's attention then shifts to you, her body language encouraging and patient as she waits for you to share your thoughts.

After a thoughtful pause, you answer, "It felt like unshackling myself. Putting all my feelings into words, it was like shedding some weight off my shoulders. And reading what Wanda wrote..." You pause, turning to look at Wanda, a gentle warmth lighting up your eyes. "It... It grounded me. Reminded me of why we are doing this, why we're trying to fix things in the middle of all this confusion... It's because we love each other."

"I must say, I'm incredibly moved by the strides you both have made," Calliope says. She then subtly changes her posture, turning to focus more directly on Wanda.

"Now that we've started delving into Y/N's trust issues, it's only fair that we address your feelings too, Wanda. So, let's talk about your trust in Y/N. How are you feeling about that?" Calliope asks.

A flicker of surprise crosses your face, reflected in Wanda's as well. The room falls into a hushed pause as Wanda processes the question, her brow creased in deep thought. The possibility of Wanda having her own trust issues hadn't even crossed your mind. You've been so focused on your own sense of betrayal and the need to rebuild trust, you didn't consider that she might be struggling too.

As you wait for Wanda's response, a knot tightens in your stomach, making you realize just how much her answer matters to you.

For a brief moment, Wanda looks at Calliope with a blank expression. "I... I'm not quite certain how to answer that," she concedes, her fingers subconsciously toying with a loose thread on her sleeve.

You find yourself hanging onto her every word.

"Does it count that I was jealous of Yelena even before she and Y/N got together? There was an entire history between Y/N and Yelena that we never really discussed... that I was never really a part of."

"Lack of trust can often sow seeds of insecurity, Wanda, which in turn leads to feelings of jealousy. Trust doesn't only involve a faith in someone's actions, but also in their words and their shared history." Calliope explains, and then she turns to you. "Y/N, this is something you need to take into account. It's not only about how your actions impact Wanda's trust in you, but also how much you're willing to share and be transparent about your past and your feelings."

You swallow dryly and nod at Calliope's words. It's not easy, admitting this. But it's something you realize you need to say.

"Wanda, I wasn't being completely truthful with you back then," you start, feeling the weight of the words as they leave your lips. "When I told you I didn't think it was worth mentioning... The truth is, it made me uncomfortable to talk about her."

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