Chapter 15

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"Will you let me know once you figure out what you'll do?" Wanda's voice breaks, her cheeks marked with the paths of tears that had dried.

You nod softly in affirmation, yet a part of you wonders if you can truly keep that word. The weight of the thumb drive presses against your hand, held tight in a grip you can't seem to relax.

Alone in your apartment, hours after Yelena has departed for work, you find yourself replaying this memory time and again. Having taken the week off, your days are largely spent fixated on a particular file on your computer screen. That's the last time you've heard from Wanda. Neither of you has made any effort to reach out since then.

"He recorded us having... having the affair."

Your face involuntarily twists into a grimace of raw pain. Each breath feels heavier than the last, like you're dragging them from a place deep within you that you've been desperately trying to avoid. Your gaze remains fixated on the screen, eyes glassy, as if staring longer could somehow give you the answers you so crave.

A small, dark corner of your heart wishes you had gone further than just cracking Vision's skull with that vase, now knowing that he did more than violate a marriage.

You hover your mouse over the file.

"I'd take it all back if I could."

Blinking rapidly, the strain in your smile grows more palpable, etching lines of tension across your face, until you're gritting your teeth in an effort to maintain some form of control over your emotions.

But in the end, the tears well up and they spill over.

In the end, you can't bring yourself to watch how Wanda chose to break your heart.

You delete the file from your computer, erasing any trace of the painful reminder. As you empty the trash bin, it feels like a symbolic act of letting go, even though the ache in your heart remains.


"Wanda? Did you hear what I just said?"

Wanda blinks a few times as though she's momentarily lost, floating between now and some distant thought. Calliope studies her with a soft concern, sensing a change in Wanda from their usual interactions. There is a noticeable absence of her usual active engagement in conversation, with Wanda providing only succinct and dismissive replies to her questions.

"Hm?" Wanda's gaze focuses on Calliope, a flicker of apology crossing her features as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Sorry, could you repeat that? I... got distracted."

"Wanda, I was asking about how you spent Y/N's birthday last week," Calliope repeats with a soft smile.

Your birthday. It had been one of the best days in recent memory, a rarity considering the limited number of such occasions. And unfortunately, the joyous feeling it brought her was short-lived, lasting only two days before Yelena shattered the blissful bubble she was in.

"I, uh, baked her a cake, but it was more for my own enjoyment and for my customers,"

Wanda shares, and though her expression becomes slightly dreamy, it's still tinged with despondency. "And then in the evening, we ran into each other by chance, and she treated me to dinner. All in all, it was better than I imagined."

"That sounds wonderful, Wanda," Calliope says. "But how come you don't seem as happy about it now?"

"A lot has happened between then and now," Wanda explains. "Her birthday isn't the last time we saw each other. It's actually just three days ago, and we, uh, didn't exactly end that meeting on a good note."

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