Chapter 5

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Wanda's tentative friendship with you is off to a good start. A goofy grin lights up her face as she slips a harness onto Sparky; the lively pup only offers a mild resistance while Wanda affectionately talks to him.

"We're going to see Y/N," Wanda announces, prompting Sparky to vigorously wag his tail at the sound of your name. "Who's an excited little boy?"

She proceeds to attach the leash to the harness and temporarily secures the handle loop around the doorknob.

"Stay there while mommy puts on makeup." Wanda instructs, offering Sparky a treat from her hand.

Wanda studies herself in front of the mirror. Applying the liquid foundation proves tricky because she can't contain her smile, causing the product to gather along her laugh lines.

The last time she was drunk on happiness was when she secured that job at the art gallery. and you surprised her by taking her to a romantic dinner cruise around the island. You had surprised her with a romantic dinner cruise around the island, and amidst the enchantment of the evening, you both mapped out a plan for her to become the senior art curator—a position that eventually went to Agatha Harkness.

Wanda had boldly set herself a two-year goal to climb to the top, but it wasn't solely her own doing. It was being with you that made her believe in boundless possibilities. You were the one who banished her fears and uncertainties.

If anything happens, let them happen, she thought to herself. With you by her side, everything else is just like confetti in the wind.

It didn't mean that Wanda's ambition and everything else outside of you were just background noise; it only meant she knew it wouldn't be the end of the world if she failed.

Wanda settles for applying a touch of lip gloss, reminiscing about how you used to mention your preference for her natural appearance.

A second later, her phone buzzes with a notification. Wanda unlocks it to discover a text from Pietro, whom she had requested to oversee the cafe until the afternoon.

You owe me a free batch of those macadamia cookies for this. - P

I'll bake all the cookies you want for a discount. - W

Thank you for doing this. - W

Agatha agreed to help in the morning. - P

You're texting with Agatha??? - W

:p - P

Please don't flirt in front of my customers. - W

No promises. Enjoy your date with Y/N. - P

Wanda grins from ear-to-ear.

It's not a date. - W

You sure wish it were. - P

Wanda decides not to respond and places her phone back in her purse. She then shifts her attention to Sparky, who has been intently observing her throughout.

"Ready to head out, buddy?"


"You look nice."

The words casually escape your lips as you take the leash from Wanda, but the swift blush that warms her cheeks in response almost seems a bit embarrassing. As always, she ensures she's at her best when it comes to you.

You and Wanda had arranged to meet at the Conservatory Garden in Central Park, making the most of the delightful spring weather. Its main path is littered with trees and benches, and an overall perfect spot for people watching.

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