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[unedited again i'm sorry!]

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Noo!" Felix screams out loud as he gets up from the couch to lock the door behind hyunjin. he did it again. he slept with hyunjin.

he sluggishly walks towards the couch again and flops on it, dramatically groaning as he does so. what the fuck is wrong with me? felix thinks to himself. he doesn't get it, he has everything he would want with yeonjun and yet every time hyunjin stares at him with those blazing seductive eyes, he crumbles.

hyunjin takes care of him the aspects yeonjun won't, but he is fully aware that yeonjun is the better fit for him. or was he? a part of felix's subconscious thinks. felix abruptly sits up as he processes the thought that crossed his mind.

did i really just question my love for yeonjun? it was the first time since he's been with yeonjun that he has ever questioned that yeonjun was right for him. this began to worry felix because out of all people, it was hyunjin that made him begin to doubt.

felix slowly brought a pillow up to his chest as his heart started to pound against his chest and he didn't understand why. he didn't know if it was because he was starting to doubt yeonjun or that he was beginning to actually care about...

and before felix could even finish that thought, there was another knock at his door. with furrowed eyebrows and a fast beating heart, he stood up and walked towards the door. he was praying- practically begging that it wasn't hyunjin at his door again.

he took a few deep breaths and reached to open the door and when he did, he felt his heart stop.

there was yeonjun standing there with his hands in his pockets as he anxiously bit his bottom lip. the second he heard the door open, his head snapped up almost instantly.

"felix.." yeonjun called out as he slowly removed his hands from his pockets and took a step forward.

felix was frozen. he felt like he could vomit any second. he hasnt seen yeonjun ever since the party and they've been having problems, but instead of fixing them, he's been with hyunjin.

felix involuntary took a step back, like his body was scared of yeonjun touching him, almost as if yeonjun did touch him, he would feel how much of cheater felix was. but of course that action didn't go unnoticed by yeonjun, his eyes slightly widen and his heart dropped. felix, the man who absolutely loves psychical affection, who used to love yeonjun's touch, was not walking into his arms but away from them.

"felix, baby. can we please," yeonjun's sighs as he almost desperately reaches his hand out to felix, "can we please talk.. about us? please."

felix starts to slightly tremble as he hears the desperation in yeonjun's voice. he couldn't deny him when he was in this confused,

"yes." was all felix said as he walked over to the couch and took a hesitant seat.

yeonjun felt his chest slightly feel lighter as he closed the door behind him and walked to join felix on the couch. he cautiously took a seat next to felix and looked over at him but felix wouldn't meet his eyes. so yeonjun reached over and grabbed felix's hand, but this time he didn't flinch away.

"felix. i'm so sorry for everything. i'm not going to lie to you, i didn't understand what you were asking of me, i didn't understand why it was such a huge big deal whether i kissed you or not but now i get it," yeonjun slowly began to rub the top of felix's hands.

"i love you, felix. and i'm sorry for not being so open about it. i thought i didn't have to, i thought it was so obvious by now how much i love you but now i know that doesnt mean i need to stop showing it, so i'm sorry, my baby. i love you. i promise from here on out to always show you my love, i.. i don't want to lose you, felix."

felix was quiet as the words sunk into him then he instantly burst into tears. he pulled his hand out of yeonjun's grip and buried them into his face. how can i be so fucking stupid? felix thinks as he begins to cry harder. how can i cheat on this man? felix thinks as he sobs into his hands.

felix tried so hard not to cry but it was difficult. not when yeonjun was pouring his heart out like this. he had honestly thought yeonjun was losing feelings for him, and now he screwed it up. if yeonjun ever found out, he definitely would lose feelings.

yeonjun was petrified, he didn't have a clue in the world why felix was crying. did i really hurt him? yeonjun thinks as he scans felix's face which were buried by his hands.

"felix, what's wrong?" yeonjun asks as slowly scooted over to wrap his arms around felix.

he closed his eyes and slowly let out the breath he was holding when felix leaned into his embrace. but his heart broke feeling felix tremble against him.

"i'm sorry.. i'm so sorry," felix hiccups as he struggles to let out his words.

"why are you apologizing?" yeonjun kisses the top of felix's head. felix just squeezed his eyes closed and held yeonjun tighter, i cant tell him. not yet at least.

being in yeonjun's arms was still the best feeling felix has ever felt. being this close to him is all he's ever wanted. he sits up and stares into yeonjun's eyes and all he sees is love, when hyunjin looks at him.. it's not this warm, it's not love.. it's pure lust.

felix leaned in and kissed yeonjun's cheek. he couldn't believe he would ever doubt his love for this man. the man who actually loved him. he made a promise to himself right then and there, today was the last time he'll sleep with hyunjin. he didn't see a reason to anymore.

"i'm just sorry too.. and i love you too." felix weakly smiled as he leaned his head against yeonjun's shoulder.

yeonjun couldn't help the smile that blossomed over his face feeling his felix so close to him again, "i've missed you so much, bokie."

felix felt one tear slip out, one after another quietly as he whispered weakly,

"...me too."

yeonjun is finally back and felix still very much loves him. but how long will that last!?? and will hyunjin just let felix go that easy? who knows.

thanks for reading and commenting it's so fun to read! have a good night <3

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