"Dammit Adrian, I didn't want to cry after seeing you," I tried joking. "What are our brothers going to think when they see me like this? They're gonna think I'm weirder than I already am, right?"

"They're not going to think of you any less."

"Let's be real, Adrian. They're going to think that I'm broken beyond repair. And to be honest, I kind of am."

"No you're not. You're a strong person, and you will overcome this obstacle like you've overcomed the ones from your previous life. The only difference is that you won't be alone in this case."

"What do you mean?"

"For starters, we're here to help you. You can talk to us and your friends. No one's going to judge you."

"I guess, but I'm not sure how much that would help. I don't want to burden all of you with my problems."

"You're not a burden, Sierra. But if you're that worried, maybe you could get a therapist instead?"

"A therapist? Are you joking?"

"I'm serious, Sierra. I think that being able to talk to someone other than us would help you. For some people, it's easier to open up to strangers than to open up to people you already know. However, whether you get a therapist or not is entirely your choice."

"Are you sure about that?"

"If getting a therapist means that you'll end up feeling better, then yes. Also, I'm more than confident that our brothers will support your choice."

"Thanks, Adrian."

"No problem. When our brothers get back, we can ask them about a therapist."

* * *

A few hours had passed, and when our brothers returned, Adrian was discharged from the hospital, and we left to go home. He needed crutches to assist with walking, but he assured us that he would make a swift recovery.

When we arrived home, Stefano asked if the two of us could privately talk in his office. I accepted, unsure of what he was going to say.

"I'm sorry."


"I wasn't a good brother to you, Sierra. I should've told you about our involvement in the mafia and helped you adjust to your new life better. It was my mistake to hide the truth from you until now."

"It's fine, really-

"It's not fine. After all, I was oblivious to the kind of treatment you received from Ashley. I practically turned a blind eye to the way my cousins treated you. I should've seen the signs better, but I didn't. I'm ashamed of the fact that our 'rivals,' the Rodriguez family, treated you better than I did."

"Now that last statement seems a bit subjective, doesn't it-

"It's an objective statement, and both of us know it. You deserve so much better than how I treated you, Sierra."

"Let's not get overdramatic now, okay?"

"I'm being serious. I know you went through some serious shit when you lived with your mother. You didn't deserve that, and I don't want to see you constantly act in self-denial. You're an amazing person and sister, Sierra. I don't want you to be hard on yourself or act as if everything's okay when it's not."

Fuck, I felt the tears forming in my eyes. That was bad since I really didn't want to cry in front of Stefano. He was probably the most expressionless one of my brothers, and he probably thought that I was having a serious meltdown. But to be honest, he wouldn't be wrong. On the bright side, having two meltdowns in one day was a new record for me.

I continued crying until I felt Stefano gently embrace me in a hug.

"Everything will be okay, Sierra. From now on, I'll do everything in my power to help you feel better."

"Thanks, Stefano."

"Is there anything that you think could help you?"

"Uh, Adrian and I were talking, and Adrian thought that talking to a therapist would be a good idea."

"I agree with Adrian. I think being able to talk to someone else would be good for you. However, it's completely your choice."

"I-I think a therapist would be beneficial. It's just that I'm not used to talking about myself."

"That's fine. I'll arrange a therapist as soon as possible, and then you can meet them, okay? If all goes well, you can meet them as early as tomorrow."

"Alright, thanks again Stefano."

"No problem, Sierra."

* * *

When Stefano and I finally exited his office, we walked to the living room where the rest of our brothers were located.

"What took you so long?" Gavin asked before he saw my face. "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about it, Gavin. Anyways what's happening now?"

"I'm glad you asked," he grinned. "We're going to start drawing names for the Secret Santa now."


"Obviously. We need to draw names now so that everyone has enough time to carefully select a gift for the person they get."

"Don't worry, Sierra, I already made the slips with our names. Everyone just has to draw a slip now," Cole proudly stated.

"I'll draw it first since I have some business work to tend to now," Stefano said as he hastily picked one of the slips, put it in his pocket, and started walking away.

"Wait, Stefano, check to make sure you didn't accidentally pick yourself."

"Fine." He looked at the slip, slightly smiled, and put it back into his pocket. "I didn't pick myself."

"Okay, now one person has to pick at a time. If you end up getting yourself, put the slip back into the cup and choose again."

My brothers drew their slips before me, and none of them got themselves, so the last slip couldn't have my name on it. Knowing that, I decided to open up my slip in a more private area. If I opened it up here, my reaction could give away the person I got.

"All of you should go to your rooms and place your slips there. Remember, no talking about who you got and no trading slips with other people."

While walking to my room, I was excited to see who I got. This was my first time participating in a Secret Santa, and it would be a good bonding experience with my brothers.

However, my jaw dropped when I saw the name on my slip.


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