33 - The start of it all...

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Izukus POV-

The shadows... oh my god they're everywhere.

I- I need to get out of here!

They're coming. Oh- Oh my god they're going to kill me!!

Third person Pov-

Shinso placed his hand on Izukus shoulder, making him flinch away from the touch.

"Ah- Sorry," Shinso wrapped his arms around him. "I didn't mean to startle you." He ended in a mere whisper.

Izuku stared at Shinso, a dull look in his eyes.

Shinso knew something was wrong with his friend, he's become so close with since being shoved in here. Izuku hadn't said anything in almost 24 hours, the most extroverted person had been dead silent for 24 hours.

Something had got to be wrong.

Shinsos eyebrows furrowed together. "Hey..." He reached out and gently placed his hand on Izukus arm. "Are you feeling ok?"

Izuku said nothing as he continued to stare off into space, Shinsos heart rate sped up as his concern grew.

A dark shadow passed in Izukus eyes, Shinso turned around but the dark figure he saw reflected in those emerald eyes wasn't there.

Shinso turned back to Izuku, who had moved a step or so backwards. Tears dropped down his cheeks, a horrified expression resting on his face.

"Izuku?" Shinso called out, reaching his hand forward.

"No! GET BACK! STAY BACK!" Izuku screamed. A camera in the corner turned on suddenly and focused in on their movements. The red light flashing as it recorded the events that were unraveling.

Sweat dripped down shinsos forehead and dripped down down his nose until it fell to the floor. 'When had it gotten so hot?' Shinso started to breathe heavily as the temperature around him slowly but surely increased.

Shinso stumbled slightly, leaning against the nearby wall for support. He was panting as his clothes became sweat ridden. "I-Izuku.."
Izukus horns were glowing a bright red, his eyes showed nothing but empty voices as they glossed over and became dull with every passing minute.

Shinsos vision became blurry, everything separated into two. He was gasping for breath as Izuku shrunk back into a corner.

What was going on with the boy he had gotten so close to?

The door slammed open as the people in lab coats rushed in. Shinso was dragged and shoved, staggering towards the door.

The others surrounded Izuku, heat resistant gear on. The tallest one grabbed Izuku and held him in a bear hug. Izuku screamed and thrashed, animalistic characteristics shining through.

Shinso took one last glance at Izuku before he was shoved out the door completely.

Shinso took one last glance at Izuku before he was shoved out the door completely

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Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been posting.
I had exams a few weeks ago and I'm finally on summer break! 🥳

My grandfather passed away earlier this week and I'll try my best to publish a bit more often, but I'm not sure.

Love you all 💕


Published: December 18/2023

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