nothing will be as past

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We'll be late if we don't hurry, guys.
- Mrs. Mason will kill us, Theo eat faster!
Yes, I eat, I eat.
-And why do we need this "journalism in the 19th century"
- I don't know, Richard.  Think it might help us in the future?
- Shall we write about the 19th century?  Ella Richard is right, we don't need a history of the creation of journalism, I think we should be taught the basics of the press and how to succeed in this area.
- Without knowledge of history, the future cannot be built.
-I don't seem to like spending hours in the library, but you.
- It's just that you read everything except the stuff you need, Rich.
Leaving the campus, the trio headed to the History building, where Mrs. Mason drank the blood of students who managed not to do their homework in her subject.  Surprisingly, the attendance of her lectures was equal to 100.  Many professors were surprised by the fact that everyone rushed to her class and tried not to say her name.  Even if they thought they would never need her item, they tried not to anger Mrs. Mason and avoid any contact with her, even visual.
Entering the classroom, Ella sat in the first row, she was not worried about the fact that she could fall under the hot hand of the teacher, she was always excellently prepared.
- Good morning, everyone - a middle-aged woman, about 40-45 years old, entered the audience.  She was a little shorter than Ella, and her blond hair didn't make any difference to her jet-black eyes.  The teacher's physique was slightly thin, which enabled her to move faster than Mrs. Candice, who was the second history teacher.
Narrowing her eyes, she began her hunt for a future victim of bullying near the blackboard, in the center of the audience.
–Theodora Macmillan, please come down from the last row to me and explain the last topic to us.
Theodora pursed her lip, clearly unprepared for the interview.  Rising from her seat, she trudged over to Mrs. Mason.
– Yes, start.  Give at least two examples of famous journalists in the 1860s?
– Mmm, that's...
– Excuse me, Mrs. Mason, can I answer instead of her?
–Sorry?  miss?
– Nike.
– Yes, answer.
– One of the most famous journalists was Mark Twain, he was not only a brilliant playwright, but also a journalist and orator.  And also by the end of the 1860s, Valles was a popular journalist, and the winner of the "poverty candidate" in elections to the Legislative Corps.  Or the equally famous historian-journalist Adolf Ivar Arvidsson.
–Brilliant, Miss Nike.  I will add your candidacy to the list.
–Excuse me, Mrs. Mason, what list are we talking about?
– Oooh, no one is aware of the news?
The entire group shook their heads.
– Probably all of you are already aware of the murders that took place in Texas?
"They keep happening, don't they?" Kai asked, he was an A student in the group.
–Yes, they continue, but not in Texas anymore.
Everyone gasped, apparently no one knew that the killer had expanded the zone of terrain in which he found victims.  So far, though, Ella thought so.
–Yesterday they found another dead woman in a New Mexico park.  Many detectives assumed he couldn't cross over to New Mexico, but as you can see, they were wrong.
– Excuse me, can I ask you a question?
Yes, Theodora.
–Why hasn't the press reported this yet?
–And this is the reason for making a list.  The state in every possible way does not want the newspapers to publish details about the murders, and most importantly, the victim was a journalist who wrote about the crimes.
–Are you gathering new journalists because all the others who worked in this direction have quit?
-–Ella, when I thought that you have a brilliant mind, I was not mistaken.  Exactly.
-That's right, and you understand that journalists leave because of fear, because of the fear of being killed.
-Thank them, you have a chance to get a job in the most famous magazines and newspapers.
- Is our life at stake?
“Miss Nike stop immediately, I'm just enrolling gifted students and I think you deserve it.
“Sorry. It won’t happen again. I will live up to your expectations and become a good journalist.”
-Are you kidding ?
“Theo, I know it's dangerous, but I want to be noticed!”
The lesson had just ended and the trio left the History building.
– She promised to send the date of the meeting with the agent from the newspaper via gmail?
Yes, Richard, what is it?
-I'm just asking.
Ella, can I call?
“Um, Theo, do you have a phone?!
- No account.
- Hold on.
In the next minute, Theodora changed the password to Ella's phone, and with her eyes closed so that she herself would not know it either.
-Are you stupid????
– No, I am your savior. You will not go to work.  Heard?  There one journalist was killed!
-Thank you, to be called a friend.
Ella took huge strides towards the exit of the University campus.
“I don’t have much money anyway, now I need to spend on hacking the phone.
Surprisingly, neither Richard nor Theodora went to catch up with her. What angered Ella even more, she went to her favorite coffee shop, only they sold the most delicious but not so expensive coffee.
Ella had been sitting at the table for half an hour already, trying to crack the password.  A boy's voice came from behind.
If you continue to torment the phone like this, you will not succeed.
“Help? Can I sit down?” - pointing to a chair opposite, the stranger asked.
It was a nice boy with hair as black as night.  The eyes were brown, but no less beautiful.  Looking at him, Ella involuntarily began to examine him, he seemed very nice and attracted not only her attention.  Many girls shot him eyes, but now he looked only at her.
– Yes, you can.  Are you a programmer?
– You could say that.  Give me.–
Ella held out the phone, she did not understand what the stranger was doing now, and why she trusted him so quickly.  She noticed that he had an unusual aura, which immediately disposed the interlocutor to conversation and trust.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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