Murder in Texas

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Why me?  Many at least once, in their worthless lives, asked this question, how, and my next victim.  The harmless girl who got into my car naively believing in human kindness is now sitting in the park with her body already cold.  Screaming and begging for mercy, she did not understand what awakened the killer in me even more, but I could not stop and spare her, because the warning about the place, time and identity of the victim had already been published.  And the most important thing remained, to create another masterpiece from the human body.
I took the knife and in one gentle motion cut the artery so that it died and the blood did not gush out like a fountain.  When the body began to go limp, I immediately put it on the bench, spraying cheap perfume, which immediately began to dissolve in the air and my creation is ready.
December 2, 2018 University of Journalism.  Campus.
"Theo, I have nothing against it, but I don't think our teacher will appreciate your appearance," Ella said looking at her friend who was dressed in a miniskirt and top.
- How can she not appreciate it, I tried in vain? - she stretched out the last words like a small child complaining because they didn’t buy another dummy for him. - Today I should get at least one assessment and it is desirable that it be satisfactory, otherwise  I know what I will do during the exams.
- You need to study, my friend - Ella took the book and lightly hit Theodora on the head - and not stick to YouTube from morning till night.
- Hey, don't insult my pet!
-Soon, because of your pet, you will be thrown out, and yet you have not even finished your studies for a year.
“Today we will fix everything,” brushing invisible dust from her clothes, she left the room with her head held high.
- Ahaaaa, of course, my queen.
After locking up her "luxury" apartment, Ella followed her friend into the dining room to have breakfast.
- Good morning Ella, Theodora
- Good, Richard.
Ella just nodded, she didn't even have the strength to say anything.
-Have you heard about the murders in Texas?
- Yeah, a nightmare, some kind of horror.
Richard, who asked the question, looked meaningfully at Theo, who was also aware of what was happening.
Ella, have you watched the news?
- I don't have time for such nonsense, stop it, he's in Texas, and we ..
“In New Mexico, close, huh?” There was a hint of sarcasm in Richard's tone.
-Even if he or she lives in Texas, then with a high probability the next victim will not be in New Mexico, but in some other state, because the police are not stupid, and they can notice the sequence.
You are right, Ella.  I believe that the killer can be both a woman and a man.  I'll bring us breakfast while you sit down at the table." Theo went to eat and Ella couldn't help but notice the looks the boys were giving her.
- It's kind of free.
- Yes, let's sit down, Rich?
-Uh-huh, look, I found a video about that maniac, see?
- Read, do you have an article about him?
- Oh, of course, I also preferred to read about him, rather than waste my time listening to information that
- "You can read it in 2 minutes," I remember.  Send me a link.
Opening the article, Ella was surprised by the amount of information, there was very little of it:
Murders of two girls in Texas.
On the night of November 12-13, the body of a girl was found, which was located near an artificial lake in the park.  The experts said that the girl was dead for 4 hours, which suggests that the killer is still in Texas.  If the terrible news about the reprisals of people against those who are like them would stop, but no.  On November 28, the next victim was found on the Texas borders and was placed on a bench.  The main difference from the other hundreds of murders is the method of killing.  It is assumed that this person is well-versed in medicine and the areas where the victims were left.  The most terrible thing is that they all sat in the poses of ordinary people, and at first the people who discovered them did not notice from the state.  The FBI refuses to testify, unfortunately we do not even know the names of the victims, but we bring our deepest regrets to the families of the victims.  Dear readers who live in and around Texas, please be extremely careful and pay attention to human behavior before willingly agreeing to a walk.

- Indeed, horror.
- Did you read it?  Richard did you have breakfast?  What will you do, Ella?
- Yes, I already had breakfast, bon appetit.
- I'll have a sandwich and cocoa.
- As always, do not change your habits.
- What can I do, I'm such a person.
-Richard, stop sticking to the phone!
- Theo, leave the man, he is sitting with his beloved, Instagram.  I understand you Rich, I also have moments when I sit there for hours.
- There are many interesting things to be found here.
Neither Ella nor Theodora answered this because of the food in their mouths.

ON THE TRAILS OF A KILLERWhere stories live. Discover now