Chapter 14: Divorce Drama and Puberty Blues

Start from the beginning

Luca was even more stressed out than before after finding out that his dad had moved on and gotten another woman pregnant and betrayed his mom.

He tried to regain his composure so he wouldn't loose his shit and then slowly walked towards the door.

He opened it and then slowly walked outside, closing the door behind him as he stepped onto the concrete. The bottoms of his bare feet felt warm against the concrete. He prepared for the pain of walking onto the gravel covered parking lot.

He slowly stepped onto the gravel in the parking lot and saw Daniela pacing back and forth next to her car. She was on the phone with Lorenzo and she didn't sound happy at all. In fact, she looked stressed out to the max and her voice proved it.

"Lorenzo, I told you that I am not giving you the car. It is my only means of transportation and I still have to get to work and run errands. You are not going to leave me high and dry just so you and your fiance can live comfortably and I go without." Daniela said, trying her best not to cry. She looked up and saw Luca smiling faintly and waving at her. She gave a small smile to Luca and then mouthed the words 'one moment' before turning around to pace again.

"Okay, alright Lorenzo. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 8:30 to sign the paperwork. I am not happy about this one bit. I will let you know that much. I had better not find out you showed up to the apartment while I am at work today or I'll make sure the law is involved. You can get your things after I get off work around 6 this evening. I will text you to tell you I am home, not a minute before. Did I make myself clear?"

Luca held his hands behind his back and looked down at his feet. For a brief moment, he forgot all about the pain of the hot gravel under his bare feet as his mind began to spin around and around once again.

Daniela hung up the phone and then turned to face Luca. She gave a weak smile and bent over with her arms stretched out to give Luca a hug. Luca skipped across the hot gravel to hug his mom.

He buried his face in her shoulder and began to cry.

"I am sorry Mom. I wish this was all just a bad dream. I love you so much."

"I love you too sweetie. I love you so much more than you will ever know. Please don't cry. It will be okay. This will all be over soon and then we can move on with our lives. Let's go inside and get breakfast together before I have to go to work. I go in at 9:30 today."

Luca nodded as he dried his eyes with his arm and sniffed.

Luca followed his mom inside and then closed the door behind them as Daniela began to wash her hands and prepare for breakfast.

"Sweetie, how does milk and cereal sound today? I am so sorry I can't make a full meal this morning. I have to go to the laundry mat and see about a second job before I go to work. I hope that you understand."

Luca nodded and smiled as he washed his hands and grabbed the box of coco puffs off the top of the fridge. He grabbed the carton of milk out of the fridge, grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet and then poured some cereal into it before pouring the milk in.

Daniela put the milk and cereal away then grabbed a quick cup of coffee and a granola bar out of the cabinet and sighed before taking a bite.

"So how how did it go? The phone call that is." Nanna asked Daniela before standing up, pushing her chair in and then placing the newspaper on the table before getting a cup of coffee for herself.

"It's not good I can assure you that." Daniela said, trying to gain her composure so she didn't go off unnecessarily. It was still apparent that she was incredibly pissed off and stressed because it showed in her voice. She took a sip of her coffee and then continued to speak.

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