Gimplse into the past, part two

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Stacy ran back to her brothers home, she ran up the steps and up into the room that Maria was in with Mitchell. "Maria!" She shouted.

Maria was taking care of Mitchell, she smiled as she laid him down in his makeshift bed/crib. She hummed softly, as she watched him sleep before turning to face Stacy as her smile fell into a look of worry. "Stacy? Where's Daniel?" She asked her.

Stacy looked at her sister in law, breathing heavily as she tried not to panic. "He's fighting Victor. He's know about you and the baby, he killed Sonja. I'm worried he'll do that to Daniel and to Mitchell."

Maria eyes went wide, she didn't know what to say at hearing that Victor now knew and. Killed his own daughter, which meant she had done the same thing as Daniel had. Fallen for a lycan.

Before Maria could respond though, she heard the door open and her husband's voice as he ran up the stairs to her and Mitchell. "You and Mitchell need to get out of here, it's not safe." He told his wife, holding a gun and a hand on his side.

Maria rushed over to her husband shaking her head, she looked at him trying not to cry. "N-no, no. I'm not leaving you Daniel, I can't n-not when our son needs his father. He needs you Daniel, I need you." She felt tears threatening to spill.

Daniel looked at his wife, "I know, but I can't let the other lycans or Victor get to you both. I love you Maria and our son, so very much. Please just take him and go to your family. Please." He begged, trying not to let his own tears fall. "

He bit his lip from both pain and sadness, as he pulled out a necklace chain with something attached to it. "In case, I don't make it out and meet you there. Give him these, once he's old enough to know the truth."


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Maria took them from her husband, not sure what to say as she held the neck lace that had the ring on it as well

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Maria took them from her husband, not sure what to say as she held the neck lace that had the ring on it as well. "I..I.Daniel-

"Maria I listen to me, I love you and our son more then anything in this world. Which is why, I'm staying here to allow you both to escape. No matter what becomes of me, or happens to me as long as you and our son are safe...that is all I care about. Please go. Protect our son." Daniel told him wife, as tears fell he kissed her one last time and felt her tears falling as she kissed him back.

He heard Mitchell start crying, along with hearing the lycans getting closer. "We will be together again soon. I love you Maria. Now go." He looked at his sister, whom had her own gun out. "Once she grabs Mitchell, get them out of here. Protect them, with your life please."

Stacy nodded her head, her own tears fell as she hugged her brother carefully. "I will, you have my word. Please don't die Daniel, your all the family I have left." She told her brother,

Daniel hugged his sister back. "I know, I will try not to die, but no promises. Tell my son, I'm sorry I couldn't be there." With that he left to go fight the lycans, and vampires for his family, after giving his sister a drop of blood for his son to remember him by.

Maria let out a sob, as Stacy helped her grab Mitchell along with something's for him. "Come on Maria, we need to get you two out of here and to your family."

Maria nodded her head at Stacy's words, holding Mitchell close to her chest trying to keep him quiet and calm as her and Stacy headed away from the house and the fighting.

Mitchell had no idea what was going on around him, he was only a baby that had been thrown into a war that had started because of Victor killing his own flesh and bone, his stomach won daughter for becoming pregnant with a hybrid child.

He cried quietly, but yet softly as his mom took him to her family's place that was far deep in the woods, he could sense that his father wasn't there and it made him sad.

Maria ran and ran with Stacy, trying to calm down her crying son til her and Stacy were stopped by a couple of lycans. "Arc, Ace? It's me, Maria." Maria said in a shaky tone. "Take me home, please?" She pleaded, as she watched the two lycans nod their heads, before leading her to the house deep in the woods away from the vampires and the war.

Ace and Arc, lead Maria, Stacy and Mitchell to the house. Where Maria's family was waiting for them, Maria's mom rushed to her and Mitchell. "Quickly, let's get you two inside. You to my dear." She told Stacy, leading them into the house and grabbing some clothes for the girls, and a clean blanket for Mitchell.

Maria and Stacy, followed Maria's mom into the house, Stacy went to get changed while Maria and her mom talked about what happened, while Mitchell was sleeping finally after being fed.

"Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry." Her mother told her, before taking her in her arms and holding her, while rubbing her back as she cried. "Shh..there, there my child. Let it out, it's okay. It's gonna be okay." She told her, before thanking the lord above that her family was safe and sound from the war going on between both kinds.

But she did hope that Daniel, was somehow still alive and fighting to get back to his family. She had a feeling, that Mitchell would grow up to be a strong fighter and the strongest out of everyone in their kind.

Her grandson, was one special boy especially for everything like this to happen on the day of his birth, he was one special boy and a rare clash of their kind to boot.

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