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(Carter's POV - new year's eve)

I turned around in my bed, seeing my favourite person breathing heavily next to me. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing my favourite t shirt, her beautiful brown hair covering her eyes as it lay messily while she slept.

I don't know how I was so lucky.

Just looking at her gave me butterflies, seeing her beautiful face and smile made me want to give her the world and so much more.

Every time she got scared, I wanted to rip the pain out of her chest and inject it into me. It hurt seeing my girl going through all of that, when she deserved so much more.

I wanted her in my arms, constantly.

To me, she was flawless. She was an image of beauty, she was prettier than the Eiffel Tower at night. She was an angel. She was my angel.

And I was so fucking happy to be starting a new year staring into her chocolate eyes.

Usually on New Year's, we would stay up all night partying and getting wasted but this year, it was different. If we went to a party, there was a possibility of Astrid's dad being there, and we couldn't risk her safety for five beers and loud music.

So instead, we were all staying in, Maggie (Jordan's sister) joining us as well, Astrid convinced us to invite Jasmine, which wouldn't be awkward at all, considering we had fucked after a party that one time.

We were going to play video games, and some of the usual party games, Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare etc. And we would watch movies. Lots of movies.

Jasmine and Maggie were coming over at 12, lunch time, so we could watch three or four movies and then we would play party games and stuff for the next hour or more, and then we would do the countdown and it would be the first of January.

It was 10am, and everyone was still in bed. I was awake, and I highly doubted anyone else would be. Astrid didn't get to sleep quickly last night, so I was up with her until she did because if she got scared I didn't want her to have to wake me up.

Jordan and Aiden regularly slept in, unless it was a birthday or Christmas, when Aiden would run around the house like a three year old and wake everyone up.

I glanced at Astrid once again, stroking her face gently to try and wake her up. I know she didn't like loud noises and got anxious at sudden movements, so there were a couple of ways to wake her up that didn't get her freaked. Jordan and Aiden also knew better than wake her up like that, after I told them.

She stirred slightly, her eyes opening slowly as I lean over her and kiss her forehead, my hair getting into her beautiful eyes.

She smiled, caressing my cheek with her soft fingers and slowly sat up. She kissed my cheek, muttering "good morning" and walking off into the bathroom.

I smiled, a real smile as she walks away. She's one of the only ones that can make me do that and I like it. It's special.

I picked out a pair of black jeans and a white shirt, not having much fashion sense. I put the jeans on, Astrid walking back in when I'm shirtless.

She blushed, her face hiding and I bit my lip to stop smiling. It's so cute when she got flustered around me. I put a shirt on, standing behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist in a hug. I kissed her forehead again, letting her go so she can get dressed as well.

I walked to Jordan's room, so I could wake him up. I poked his cheek repeatedly but he still sleeps. I poked his neck and he still remained unresponsive. I put my finger in his mouth, but he doesn't do anything. I swear he sleeps like a rock. I put my finger in his ear and he finally swatted it away, waking up.

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